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Frans Quadvlieg

Senior Project Manager


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Quadvlieg worked at MARIN since 1993 in various departments. Staring in Sofrware Engineering responsible for seakeeping and manoeuvring predictions programs. In 1996 became reponsibel for the manoeuvring departement as manager and principle. Responsible for all project involving manoeuvring predictions. Experience with predictions fast time simulations using simulation models model tests free running model tests and captive model tests full scale masurements and using CFD. Was member secretary and chairman of ITTC manoeuvring committee from 2005 to 2014. Organisation of SIMMAN workshops on manoeuvring predictions in 2008 2014 and 2020. Has experience with setting up large projects in interdisciplinary hydrodynamic fields where also manoeuvring is involved inland ships escort tugs naval surface vessels and submarines manoeuvring in waves side by side operations and manoeuvres seabasing free fall lifeboats. Although mainly working in commercial projects he coauthors a wide list of papers. Is a regular speaker at various conferences and colloquia.

Expertise areas
Reynolds Effects on Submarine Stern Plane Efficiency and Stall using Wall-Resolved CFD

8 Jul 2024

This paper studies the forces and moments and flow around the well-known BB2 generic submarine hull form, in manoeuvring conditions at Reynolds ...
Submarine hydrodynamics for off-design conditions

28 Sep 2022

Traditionally, submarine hydrodynamic design has focussed mainly on requirements regarding operational range, powering performance and manoeuvring ...
Experimental and CFD Study of KCS Turning Circles in Waves

26 Jun 2022

Experiments and CFD are used to explain the physics of turning circles (TCs) in waves. The trajectories collapse onto a single circle if ...
CFD Simulations and Experiments of a Submarine in Turn, Zigzag, and Surfacing Maneuvers

23 Dec 2021

We present simulations and experiments of the generic submarine Joubert BB2 performing standard turn, zigzag, and surfacing maneuvers in calm water ...
Submarine Hydrodynamics For Off-Design Conditions

2 Jun 2021

Traditionally, submarine hydrodynamic design has focussed mainly on requirements regarding operational range, powering performance and manoeuvring ...
Heel angles in turn and passenger safety

4 Mar 2020

The present paper addresses the issue of heel angles in turn, focusing on experimental results, existing regulations and passenger safety. ...
A pragmatic method to simulate maneuvering in waves

30 Oct 2019

In recent years, the need for a quantification of “maneuvering in waves” has increased due to both requirements for heading and track keeping of ...
Influence of Skeg on Ship Manoeuvrability at High and Low Speeds

22 Sep 2019

This paper presents the results of manoeuvring model tests and CFD calculations for a twin-screw ferry with different skeg lengths. The impact of ...
Uncertainty analysis of free running manoeuvring model test on a modern ferry, with emphasis on heel angles

9 Jun 2019

This paper presents an uncertainty study on the manoeuvring behaviour of a twin screw ferry. In particular, we are interested in heel angles that ...
Five decades of research into manoeuvrability

1 Jun 2019

Reading time 9 minutes

In the quest for supertankers 50 years ago, the CRS investigated the effects of ship size on the  controllability, and in particular how ...
Quantifying the Uncertainty of the Crabbing Capability

17 Jun 2018

Crabbing is a critical manoeuvre that requires all of the ship’s propulsors to counteract environmental forces. It is acomplex hydrodynamic scenario ...
An integrated empirical manoeuvring model for inland vessels

1 Jun 2017

Ship manoeuvrability is important for navigation safety. However, few studies have been specifically carried out for inland vessels. Since most of ...
Submarine hydrodynamics - from concept to operations

22 Nov 2016

Reading time 6 minutes

Over the last decade, the research capabilities for submarines have increased significantly. MARIN answers hydrodynamic questions from the early ...
Current status of manoeuvring prediction methods, their mutual pros and cons and ways to quantify the capabilities

17 Nov 2016

In the paper, we make an overview of prediction techniques and some of the developments in the last years. This is done from the viewpoint of the ...
Impacts of the rudder profile on manoeuvring performance of ships

15 Sep 2016

The profile of a ship rudder influences the forces it generates, which in turn influence the manoeuvring performance of a ship. Thus, rudder forces ...
CFD simulations and experiments of a maneuvering generic submarine and prognosis for simulation of near surface operation

11 Sep 2016

This paper presents simulations and experiments of the generic submarine Joubert BB2 in self-propulsion and free running maneuvering conditions. The ...
Preliminary considerations on a unified model for hydrodynamic forces

4 Jul 2016

Choosing the correct formulation for setting the manoeuvring kinematic and dynamic quantities into non-dimensional form becomes critical when low ...
Accurate calculation models for manoeuvring simulations

8 Dec 2015

Reading time 3 minutes

Traditionally, simulation models are based on forces measured during (captive) model tests. However, over the past decades, more methodologies have ...
Impacts of Rudder Profiles on Ship Manoeuvrability

11 Sep 2015

The performance of a ship’s rudder largely determines its manoeuvrability, which includes turning ability, initial turning ability, yaw-checking ...
Scale Effects on Free Running Model Tests

11 Sep 2015

Free running manoeuvring model tests are one of most used model tests to quickly assess the manoeuvrability of a ship. The results of these tests ...
Instationary Captive Model Tests

11 Sep 2015

The Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin of MARIN measures 170 m X 40 m X 5 m and is equipped with an X-Y carriage and turntable. The movements of the ...
Review of the SIMMAN2014 Workshop on the State of the Art of Prediction Techniques for Ship Manoeuvrability

11 Sep 2015

In December 2014, a workshop was held with about 60 manoeuvring experts. The objective of the workshop was to obtain and assess and discuss the ...
Maneuvering predictions for fast monohulls in early design stage

1 Sep 2015

The present paper discusses directional stability and course keeping of fast monohulls. Model tests and CFD were used for analysis. In itself these ...
Mathematical Model for Efficient Prediction of Lifeboat Sailaway Performance in Calm Water and Waves

1 Jun 2015

Free fall lifeboats have been developed for emergency evacuation from offshore installations, when conventional means of transportation cannot be ...
Validation of a Software Tool (DROPSIM) to Predict the 'Drop and Getaway' Behaviour of a Lifeboat

1 Jun 2015

The purpose of a free fall lifeboat is to evacuate people from platforms in case of emergency, and when other, normal means of evacuation, are not ...
New benchmark data for manoeuvring in shallow water based on free running manoeuvring tests including uncertainty of the results

1 Jun 2015

This paper gives the results of free running model tests for the KVLCC2 in shallow water. The paper describes how free running model tests in ...
Validation of Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow Water Through Free-running Tests

1 Jun 2015

The shallow water effect on ship manoeuvring cannot be neglected. Most sea-going ships become more course stable when they sail from deep to (very) ...
Dropsim gives new insight into operational limits of freefall lifeboats

6 Dec 2014

Reading time 9 minutes

With the successful validation of the software tool Dropsim a significant step forward has been made in determining the operational boundaries ...
A benchmark program for comparing hydrodynamic forces obtained from simulations and captive tests

15 Oct 2014

The purpose of this paper is to present a benchmark program for comparing hydrodynamic coefficients calculated by manoeuvring prediction software ...
Mathematical models for the prediction of manoeuvres of inland ships does the ship fit in the river?

23 Sep 2013

Simulations are amongst other used to determine the allowable size of inland ships on waterways. Usually, these simulations are made using ...
On the Performance of Free Fall Lifeboats during Drop and Sail Away

30 Jun 2013

The paper investigates the performance of free fall life boats during drop- and sail away, targeting both experimental techniques and software ...
KVLCC2 Benchmark Data Including Uncertainty Analysis To Support Manoeuvring Predictions

29 Sep 2011

In this paper, it is elaborated for the first time how the uncertainty analysis for free sailing model tests is performed. This is applied on free ...
Experience from SIMMAN 2008-The First Workshop on Verification and Validation of Ship Maneuvering Simulation Methods

1 Jun 2011

The SIMMAN 2008 workshop was held in Copenhagen, Denmark in April 2008. The purpose of the workshop was to benchmark the prediction capabilities of ...
Using Dynamic Positioning For Side-By-Side Cargo Transfer Operations

18 May 2011

A rather unconventional, but nevertheless practical method is presented to keep two large ships in close proximity to allow side-by-side operations. ...
Prediction and verification of the maneuverability of naval surface ships

3 Nov 2010

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Specialist Team for Seaway Mobility (ST/SM) has progressed significantly in the development of new ...
On the manoeuvrability of naval surface ships with respect to a new STANAG

9 Jun 2010

The NATO Specialist Team for Seaway Mobility has progressed significantly in the development of new missionoriented manoeuvring criteria in the ...
Damen ATD Tug 2412 Twin Fin Concept

17 May 2010

Since 1927, Damen has had a reputation for building compact tugs and workboats. As technology hasdeveloped and the size and scale of towage ...
Channel Transits from Shipyard to open sea of Astute Class submarines

10 May 2010

BAE SYSTEMS Submarines in Barrow-in-Furness (UK) is building a new series of submarines, the Astute Class (length 100 m). The shipyard is connected ...
Course Keeping of High Speed Craft in Stern Quartering Seas

10 Nov 2009

There is considerable interest in the seakeeping performance of high speed craft. Researchers and designers have been working on advanced hull forms ...
Reduction of frictional resistance by air bubble lubrication

21 Oct 2009

The reduction of resistance and the increase of propulsive efficiency are major drivers for ship designers both for economic reasons and ...
Close-In Precision DP using Wave Feed Forward: STLVAST Phase 2 & 3

13 Oct 2009

Following from last year‟s presentation, the STLVAST team will discuss the development of an innovative method of improving DP positioning accuracy ...
Lessons Learnt From The Workshop On Verification And Validation Of Ship Manoeuvring Simulation Methods - SIMMAN 2008

17 Aug 2009

The SIMMAN 2008 workshop was held in Copenhagen, Denmark in April 2008. The purpose of the workshop was to benchmark the prediction capabilities of ...
MARIN tests Fall Pipe Ship design for Boskalis

24 Apr 2009

Reading time 3 minutes

Fall Pipe Ships combine the robustness of a working vessel with the precision of a surgeon as they drop rocks on exactly the right place. This ...
Dynamic Positioning under the spotlight

24 Apr 2009

Reading time 6 minutes

Over the past years, MARIN's activities with multi-body hydrodynamics and in particular, multi-body Dynamic ositioning (DP) have increased ...
New unstationary test techniques in the MARIN basin

29 Jan 2009

Reading time 6 minutes

To determine mathematical models, Planar Motion Mechanism (PMM) and rotating arm tests have traditionally been used but with the introduction of the ...
Free Running Model tests shed light on the elusive world of the submarine

29 Jan 2009

Reading time 6 minutes

Free Running Model tests have always been in common use at MARIN, given that they offer the most accurate picture of a ship's behaviour. However, ...
A Tighter Watch Circle at Higher Speeds

7 Oct 2008

In the Summer of 2007 the Office of Naval Research (ONR) initiated a technology development program called STLVAST (Small to Large Vessel At-Sea ...
Fuel savings for DP vessels

22 Aug 2008

Reading time 3 minutes

Dynamic positioning is a well-adapted technology in oil and gas production. It enables new reserves to be explored and exploited in ever more remote ...
Computational Predictions vs. Model Testing for a High Speed Vessel with Lifting Bodies

13 Nov 2007

Current transformational naval philosophy of operations is demanding increased performance from naval vessels, requiring vessels to travel at higher ...
SAFETUG I successfully concludes but SAFETUG II prepares to launch

17 Oct 2007

Reading time 3 minutes

As the very successful SAFETUG I joint industry project draws to a close, SAFETUG II is following sharp on its heels. This time the focus will be on ...
Controllability of high-speed craft

1 Oct 2007

The necessity for high-speed naval vessels with increased capability levels with performance levels in higher sea states is leading to designs with ...
Safe passage of nuclear sub

1 Feb 2007

Reading time 3 minutes

As BAE SYSTEMS Limited designs and constructs the nuclear Astute Class submarines at its facility in Barrow-in-Furness, it has been up to MARIN ...
MARIN answers increasing demand

1 Feb 2007

Reading time 6 minutes

Due to development in industrial countries and world population growth, the need for high-speed passenger transport and time-sensitive goods has ...
Development of a calculation program for escort forces of stern drive tug boats

1 Apr 2006

The escort class notation of several classification societies requires the test of the dynamic towing forces at escort speeds of 8 or 10 knots. ...
Practical solutions to challenging steering problems

1 Nov 2004

Reading time 6 minutes

Now approaching its 15th year, the CRS manoeuvring group has become a front runner in addressing steering and manoeuvring issues and coming up with ...
MARIN plays key role in design of booming LNG fleet

1 Dec 2003

Reading time 9 minutes

A huge fleet of LNG carriers is being built or under construction at the moment and many more will be built in the near future. MARIN is involved in ...
Manoeuvring criteria - more than IMO A751 requirements alone!

1 Aug 2003

In 1993, IMO resolution A751(18) was accepted. Since 1993, ship designs focussed on complying with these standards. For the Netherlands, MARIN ...
A SWATH solution for River Westerschelde ferries

1 Dec 2002

Reading time 6 minutes

Damen Shipyards Gorinchem is awarded a contract to build two passenger & bicycle ferries. As the Province of Zeeland and the yard opt for a SWATH ...
Steerable propulsion units - hydrodynamic issues and design consequences

11 Aug 2001

The last three decades have shown a strong development in the market for steerable propulsion units. This paper addresses several main developments ...
SWATH comes under scrutiny

1 Aug 2001

Reading time 3 minutes

MARIN assists Thyssen Nordseewerke in rigorous examination of SWATH design where seakeeping and manoeuvring ability come under the spotlight.
Radiance sails straight through Ems

1 Apr 2001

Reading time 3 minutes

As ships become larger, the passage of mega cruise ships built at the German Jos Meyer Shipyard becomes ever more difficult. The very narrow and ...
It's a pod revolution

1 Sep 2000

Reading time 3 minutes

In recent times podded propulsors (pods) have more or less completely replaced the conventional exposed shaft configurations on nearly all cruise ...
ROTOR' research - a 'tugnology' revolution

1 Sep 2000

Reading time 3 minutes

Tugnology' is a creative word dreamed up by Rotterdam harbour towage group KOTUG International to describe its highly unconventional propulsion ...
MARIN's captive capabilities boosted

1 Sep 2000

Reading time 3 minutes

Frans Quadvlieg reports on the numerous opportunities for captive model testing available thanks to MARIN's new Computerised Planar Motion Carriage ...
'Steady as she goes' can be harder than you think

1 Sep 2000

Reading time 3 minutes

Many mono- and multihulls face problems with course keeping, especially in stern-quartering waves, report Frans Quadvlieg and Reint Dallinga.
Challenge of the shallows

1 Jun 2000

Reading time 3 minutes

In decreasing water depths, resistance and propulsion characteristics change significantly, as do a ship's steering and manoeuvring characteristics. ...
A new combined Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin for the Third Millennium Maritime Research

8 May 2000

In June 1999, MARIN's Seakeeping and Manoeuvring basin became operational. It is the first of the three (re)new(ed) basins at the sites of ...
Rotor Tugnology

1 May 2000

A major development in the last few years was the development of the Rotor Tug. This revolutionary concept can be characterised as an enhanced ...
Computerized PMM approach for Esso Osaka

1 Sep 1998

For the investigation of the manoeuvring behaviour of surface ships MARIN has developed a computerised Planar Motion Mechanism system (PMM) that can ...
Prediction of crabbing in the early design stage

1 Sep 1998

Crabbing is the ability of ships to move sideways without having a forward speed. Crabbing can be induced by the use of a combination of main ...
Non-linear hydrodynamic hull forces derived from segmented model tests

9 Sep 1996

In many situations the manoeuvering performance ofships is largely effected by the non-linear contributions of the hydrodynamic reaction forces on ...
Voyage Acceleration Climate - A Comprehensive Statistical Method for the Evaluation of Design Loads for Offshore Transport

1 May 1996

The paper presents a new procedure for the calculation of realistic values for the design loads for heavy lift and vulnerable cargo transports The ...

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Antoine BedosSenior Project Manager
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Pierre CrepierSpecialist CFD
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Guido OudResearcher
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Joy KlinkenbergSenior Project Manager
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Bram StarkeCFD Researcher
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Frans van WalreeSenior Project Manager
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Linda KempProject Manager
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Marta IbarrondoSenior Project Manager
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Artur LidtkeSenior Researcher
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Joost MoulijnSenior Researcher
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Julio PoloProject Manager
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Oskar HofmanProject Manager | ICT Specialist
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Gijs BoumanProject Manager
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Marnix BockstaelProject Manager
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Piotr BandykProject Manager
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Wim KleermakerProject Engineer/Specialist
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John BandasHydrodynamic Engineer
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Manuel Cerro Diaz de TeranProject Manager
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Pavan BangeraProject Manager
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Naman BaderiyaProjectengineer/Specialist
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Stefano LovatoProjectmanager
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Kirsten OdendaalProject Manager
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Antonino Dell AcquaProject Manager
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Maxime GarenauxProject Manager
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Jaume Hernandez MontfortProject Manager Ships
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Paul BruggemanProject Manager
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Mathieu CourdierProject Manager
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Maarten van der LeijProjectmanager
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Paul BruggemanProject Manager
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Rogier EggersSenior Project Manager
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Timo VerwoestManager Digital Services
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Olaf WaalsManager
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Patrick HooijmansTeam Leader Transport & Shipping | Senior Project Manager
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Gerco HagesteijnSenior Project Manager Ships
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Enrico Della ValentinaTeam Leader Yacht | Senior Project Manager
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ErikJan de RidderSenior Project Manager/Teamleider
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Floor SpaargarenProject Manager
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Michiel VerhulstSpecialist Analysis & Prediction
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JorritJan SerrarisSenior Project Manager
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Rink HallmannSenior Project Manager
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Christian VeldhuisManager Performance at Sea
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Johan BosschersSenior Researcher
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Egbert YpmaSenior Researcher
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GertJan ZondervanSenior Project Manager
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Klaas KooikerTeamleader Defence
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Erik RotteveelProject Manager
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Jesse SlotSenior Project Manager Ships
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Frans Hendrik LafeberTeam Leader Data Analysis & Prediction
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Roderik VogelsProject Manager
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Hans CozijnSenior Project Manager
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Thomas LloydSpecialist, Noise and Vibrations
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Frederick JaouenManager Offshore
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Joop HelderSenior Project Manager
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Jule ScharnkeSenior Project Manager
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Bruno RossinSenior Project Manager
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Martijn van RijsbergenSenior Researcher
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Guilhem GaillardeManager Ships
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Milos BirvalskiSpecialist
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Anton KisjesProject Manager
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Arie de JagerSenior Project Manager
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Christian LenaSenior Project Manager
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Jaap de WildeSenior Project Manager
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Nicolas CaretteSenior Project Manager
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Karola van der MeijHead of Onboard Specialists
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Antoine BedosSenior Project Manager
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Jan TukkerResearcher
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Yvette KlinkenbergTeamleider Analysis & Prediction Seakeeping and Manoeuvring
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Rene BosmanSpecialist
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Reinier BergevoetTeamleider/Project Engineer Modeltest
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Joy KlinkenbergSenior Project Manager
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Frans van WalreeSenior Project Manager
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Riaan van 't VeerSpecialist Ship Hydrodynamics
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Linda KempProject Manager
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Rene HulshofTeam Leader Geometry & Engineering
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Joost MoulijnSenior Researcher
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Julio PoloProject Manager
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Gijs BoumanProject Manager
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Rodrigo EzetaSenior Reseacher
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Manuel Cerro Diaz de TeranProject Manager
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Pavan BangeraProject Manager
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Kirsten OdendaalProject Manager
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Antonino Dell AcquaProject Manager
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James McNaughtonProject Manager
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Frank van der WalManager Productie
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Jaume Hernandez MontfortProject Manager Ships
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Wilco van OmmerenTeamleider Engineering & Measurements
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Mathieu CourdierProject Manager
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Maarten van der LeijProjectmanager