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Joop Helder

Senior Project Manager


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Scale effects and variability in wave-in-deck type of impact loading more insights into the results of the Breakin JIP

11 Jun 2023

To quantify the loading due to breaking waves, model tests are currently the option of choice. However, it is suspected that scale effects lead to ...
Screening wave conditions for the occurrence of green water events on sailing ships

15 Aug 2021

Design loads for extreme wave events on ships, such as slamming and green water, are hard to define. These events depend on details in the incoming ...
On the validity of CFD for simulating extreme green water loads on ocean going vessels

3 Aug 2020

The amount of green water and the associated loads that an ocean-going vessel may encounter during its service life are important aspects to ...
Non-Linear Wave Run-Up Along the Side of Sailing Ships Causing Green Water on Deck - Experiments and Deterministic Calculation

1 Aug 2020

Experiments with a flat plate in oblique waves at different speeds, wave conditions, headings and drift speed were done to evaluate non-linear wave ...
Linking Experimental and Numerical Wave Modelling

13 Mar 2020

Experimental or numerical analysis of the response of ships and other floating structures starts with correct environmental modelling. The ...
Extreme wave loading… the future is hybrid!

25 Apr 2018

Reading time 3 minutes

Since 2003, MARIN has built up an extensive trackrecordin testing floating wind turbines. To date, themain method for model testing has been based ...
JIPs - sharing experiences and building knowledge

21 Apr 2017

Reading time 6 minutes

Joint Industry Projects are still one of the most important steps in the development, sharing and application of knowledge. Participants are welcome ...
Joining forces to capture extreme loads

21 Apr 2017

Reading time 3 minutes

The possible occurrence of negative air gaps on offshore structures in storm conditions has recently attracted significant attention. A new JIP ...
Validation of CFD for a deterministic breaking wave impact on a semi submersible

3 Oct 2016

For structural design, prediction of run-up, green water and impact loads have to be taken into account, to assure the integrity and safety of ...
Joint R&D in Offshore JIPs

22 Apr 2016

Reading time 6 minutes

The offshore industry works closely together to share knowledge, experience and costs. Here we give an update on the latest Joint Industry Projects. ...
BreaKin JIP will provide insight into breaking wave loads on offshore structures

22 Apr 2016

Reading time 3 minutes

BreaKin is a new joint industry project addressing the kinematics of breaking waves and linking these to the wave loads that may result.
Validation of CFD for run-up and wave impact on a semi submersible

9 Mar 2016

To assess the integrity and safety of structures offshore, prediction of run-up, green water, and impact loads needs to be made during the ...
MARIN uses CFD to assess SSPs revolutionary new HUB design

21 Aug 2015

Reading time 6 minutes

MARIN combined CFD with fast-time simulations and intensive testing on its bridge simulator to explore the full potential of the new SSP HUB design.
Turbulence Modeling for Locally-Refined Free-Surface Flow Simulations in Offshore Applications

21 Jun 2015

To study extreme hydrodynamic wave impact in offshore and coastal engineering, the VOF-based CFD simulation tool ComFLOW is being developed. ...
Deterministic simulation of breaking wave impact and flexible response of a fixed offshore wind turbine

5 Jun 2015

The effects of operational wave loads and wind loads on offshore mono pile wind turbines are well understood. For most sites, however, the water ...
MARIN spearheads advanced wave impact modelling initiatives

29 Aug 2014

Reading time 6 minutes

Due to the complexity of wave impact modelling, MARIN is starting several new research initiatives.
The impact of ships that pass in the night... or in the day

2 Aug 2011

Reading time 6 minutes

MARIN is involved in several projects examining the effects of passing ships. Here we present the many ways we help to shed light on this phenomenon.

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Patrick SchrijversTeamleider
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Karola van der MeijHead of Onboard Specialists
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Guido OudResearcher
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Joy KlinkenbergSenior Project Manager
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Bram StarkeCFD Researcher
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Frans van WalreeSenior Project Manager
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Linda KempProject Manager
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Marta IbarrondoSenior Project Manager
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Artur LidtkeSenior Researcher
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Joost MoulijnSenior Researcher
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Julio PoloProject Manager
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Oskar HofmanProject Manager | ICT Specialist
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Gijs BoumanProject Manager
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Marnix BockstaelProject Manager
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Piotr BandykProject Manager
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Wim KleermakerProject Engineer/Specialist
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John BandasHydrodynamic Engineer
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Manuel Cerro Diaz de TeranProject Manager
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Pavan BangeraProject Manager
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Naman BaderiyaProjectengineer/Specialist
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Stefano LovatoProjectmanager
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Kirsten OdendaalProject Manager
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Antonino Dell AcquaProject Manager
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Maxime GarenauxProject Manager
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Jaume Hernandez MontfortProject Manager Ships
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Paul BruggemanProject Manager
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Mathieu CourdierProject Manager
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Maarten van der LeijProjectmanager
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Paul BruggemanProject Manager
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Frans QuadvliegSenior Project Manager
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Rogier EggersSenior Project Manager
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Timo VerwoestManager Digital Services
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Olaf WaalsManager
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Patrick HooijmansTeam Leader Transport & Shipping | Senior Project Manager
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Gerco HagesteijnSenior Project Manager Ships
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Enrico Della ValentinaTeam Leader Yacht | Senior Project Manager
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ErikJan de RidderSenior Project Manager/Teamleider
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Floor SpaargarenProject Manager
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Michiel VerhulstSpecialist Analysis & Prediction
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JorritJan SerrarisSenior Project Manager
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Rink HallmannSenior Project Manager
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Christian VeldhuisManager Performance at Sea
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Johan BosschersSenior Researcher
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Egbert YpmaSenior Researcher
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GertJan ZondervanSenior Project Manager
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Klaas KooikerTeamleader Defence
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Erik RotteveelProject Manager
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Jesse SlotSenior Project Manager Ships
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Frans Hendrik LafeberTeam Leader Data Analysis & Prediction
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Roderik VogelsProject Manager
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Hans CozijnSenior Project Manager
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Thomas LloydSpecialist, Noise and Vibrations
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Frederick JaouenManager Offshore
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Jule ScharnkeSenior Project Manager
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Bruno RossinSenior Project Manager
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Martijn van RijsbergenSenior Researcher
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Guilhem GaillardeManager Ships
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Milos BirvalskiSpecialist
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Anton KisjesProject Manager
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Arie de JagerSenior Project Manager
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Christian LenaSenior Project Manager
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Jaap de WildeSenior Project Manager
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Nicolas CaretteSenior Project Manager
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Karola van der MeijHead of Onboard Specialists
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Antoine BedosSenior Project Manager
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Jan TukkerResearcher
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Yvette KlinkenbergTeamleider Analysis & Prediction Seakeeping and Manoeuvring
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Rene BosmanSpecialist
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Reinier BergevoetTeamleider/Project Engineer Modeltest
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Joy KlinkenbergSenior Project Manager
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Frans van WalreeSenior Project Manager
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Riaan van 't VeerSpecialist Ship Hydrodynamics
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Linda KempProject Manager
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Rene HulshofTeam Leader Geometry & Engineering
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Joost MoulijnSenior Researcher
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Julio PoloProject Manager
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Gijs BoumanProject Manager
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Rodrigo EzetaSenior Reseacher
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Manuel Cerro Diaz de TeranProject Manager
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Pavan BangeraProject Manager
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Kirsten OdendaalProject Manager
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Antonino Dell AcquaProject Manager
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James McNaughtonProject Manager
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Frank van der WalManager Productie
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Jaume Hernandez MontfortProject Manager Ships
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Wilco van OmmerenTeamleider Engineering & Measurements
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Mathieu CourdierProject Manager
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Maarten van der LeijProjectmanager