MARIN has a quality management system conforming to ISO 9001:2015 standards. An annual audit by an independent ISO 9001 auditing authority is part of the annual quality cycle. MARIN has full ISO 9001 certification since 2004, with latest confirmation based on independent audit of April 2019.

MARIN makes it her subject to raise the satisfaction of the client by applying the quality management system effectively, including the processes for improving the system continuously as well as the establishment of meeting the expectations and wishes of clients and the law and regulations applied to (environment, labor circumstances and product responsibility).

The manager Quality, Environment, Safety and Health is appointed by the president as the representative of the management. He is responsible for the maintenance and the monitoring of the system on basis of feed-back from the leadership of the organization and on developments inside and outside the organization. The manager QESH co-ordinates the execution of the quality plan and is responsible for maintaining the quality management system conforming to ISO 9001:2015 standards. MARIN president secures the means which are necessary for implementing and maintaining of the quality management system. MARIN president is convinced that all employees have understood the purpose of the quality management system and that they are capable to execute the procedures which are related to their own activities.

A copy of MARIN ISO 9001:2015 certification can be sent on request.


Contact person photo

Peter Bergervoet
