
Marine Systems

Marine Systems

Clean, smart and safe maritime operations demand sustainable solutions. As well as research into complete vessels and structures, we contribute to improving sub-systems, such as innovative propulsion, steering and stabilisation systems.


In addition to improving these standard basic systems, we focus on complex control systems, including systems for motion compensation, anti-roll devices and collision avoidance. In doing so we combine simulations with model trials. We work on product development at component level together with our customers, including equipment suppliers, never losing sight of the total system and operation. We also develop knowledge, control and advice systems that we can use both in our simulations and model trials and in daily on-board operations.


We partner with you from concept to design, offering our expertise and experience, using in-house developed tools and methods matching your needs and adapting to your deadlines. Our expertise covers hydrodynamics & systems performance: resistance & propulsion, power train systems– including energy carrier and power generation-, seakeeping and manoeuvrability. Our tools and methods range from use of databases and simulations towards model scale experiments, simulators/virtual reality and full scale monitoring.


Contact person photo

Guilhem Gaillarde

Manager Ships


Marine Power Propulsion and Energy systems

Achieving reduction of exhaust emissions requires new discoveries and developments of Power Propulsion and Energy systems. The innovative systems will be located in the bunker and machinery spaces of future ships. MARIN provides services for specification, concept design and testing of those new systems. For this we have a fully equipped Zero Emission Laboratory and a digital twin for performing full integrated system simulations.

Marine Power Propulsion and Energy systems

Achieving reduction of exhaust emissions requires new discoveries and developments of Power Propulsion and Energy systems. The innovative systems will be located in the bunker and machinery spaces of future ships. MARIN provides services for specification, concept design and testing of those new systems. For this we have a fully equipped Zero Emission Laboratory and a digital twin for performing full integrated system simulations.

Zero Emission Services

Design offices, shipping companies and shipyards are searching for cleaner ways to transport, but the variety of alternative energy solutions to choose from is wide and continuously developing. What emissions are produced during my operations? Which alternative energy and power technologies are available, feasible and affordable for my operations? Is wind propulsion applicable? How far can I reduce my energy needs? MARIN monitors, explores and optimizes solutions to your needs and operations. Our Zero Emission Services assist you in decision making on upcoming alternative propulsion, power and energy systems (PPE) onboard of your ships. Additionally, MARIN can support the zero emission implementation strategy for your fleets and the energy infrastructure at regional level.

Zero Emission Services

Design offices, shipping companies and shipyards are searching for cleaner ways to transport, but the variety of alternative energy solutions to choose from is wide and continuously developing. What emissions are produced during my operations? Which alternative energy and power technologies are available, feasible and affordable for my operations? Is wind propulsion applicable? How far can I reduce my energy needs? MARIN monitors, explores and optimizes solutions to your needs and operations. Our Zero Emission Services assist you in decision making on upcoming alternative propulsion, power and energy systems (PPE) onboard of your ships. Additionally, MARIN can support the zero emission implementation strategy for your fleets and the energy infrastructure at regional level.


A final assessment of the design performance is important, in order to validate the choices and start detail engineering. Design verification is performed numerically, with high fidelity methods, and by means of model tests. MARIN provides an independent check of the future performance of your system. When controls are an important part of the system performance, we advice to perform verification by means of model tests, where we mimic the operation in realistic conditions and bring your own control systems in the loop.


A final assessment of the design performance is important, in order to validate the choices and start detail engineering. Design verification is performed numerically, with high fidelity methods, and by means of model tests. MARIN provides an independent check of the future performance of your system. When controls are an important part of the system performance, we advice to perform verification by means of model tests, where we mimic the operation in realistic conditions and bring your own control systems in the loop.


Concerns can sometimes appear during operations. It could be unsatisfactory speed, vibrations or cavitation of propeller or appendages, poor manoeuvrability or lack of stabilisation. Despite the fact that the design space is extremely reduced after building, we can support with identifying the issue, understanding the cause and find solutions together with you. Such work is usually a cooperation between the Operations at Sea team and Ships team.


Concerns can sometimes appear during operations. It could be unsatisfactory speed, vibrations or cavitation of propeller or appendages, poor manoeuvrability or lack of stabilisation. Despite the fact that the design space is extremely reduced after building, we can support with identifying the issue, understanding the cause and find solutions together with you. Such work is usually a cooperation between the Operations at Sea team and Ships team.


Our knowledge gained during many years of design optimisation is suitable to support your daily operations as well. We are able to provide short and long term performance monitoring, including advice how to improve your operation based on the data. Moreover, we are developing on board advice solutions to improve clean, safe and smart operations.


Our knowledge gained during many years of design optimisation is suitable to support your daily operations as well. We are able to provide short and long term performance monitoring, including advice how to improve your operation based on the data. Moreover, we are developing on board advice solutions to improve clean, safe and smart operations.

Concept Development

Based on our experience, databases and low fidelity robust tools, we can help you making the right choice on basis of functional requirements of propellers, tunnel thrusters, energy saving devices, DP and station keeping devices, stabilising and steering devices, foils. Our support includes the evaluation of the expected performance, the integration requirements with in the ship, the expected development steps and engineering. The evaluation of required investments (CAPEX) can be put in balance with expected savings (OPEX). This can be the case for concept studies on alternative zero emission propulsion systems or wind propulsion systems for example. On this last topic, the upcoming energy transition in the shipping sector will require to re-think the way we design the engine rooms and organise our energy storage and supply onboard. Electric engine and their power source (Hydrogen-fuel cell combination, battery, super-capacitor or methanol in combustion engine or high temperature fuel cell) requires much more than buying new components and connecting them. The energy and power architecture of a vessel is crucial to succeed in this transition and to build successful vessels. This must be tackle as a whole at the very beginning of the concept.

Concept Development

Based on our experience, databases and low fidelity robust tools, we can help you making the right choice on basis of functional requirements of propellers, tunnel thrusters, energy saving devices, DP and station keeping devices, stabilising and steering devices, foils. Our support includes the evaluation of the expected performance, the integration requirements with in the ship, the expected development steps and engineering. The evaluation of required investments (CAPEX) can be put in balance with expected savings (OPEX). This can be the case for concept studies on alternative zero emission propulsion systems or wind propulsion systems for example. On this last topic, the upcoming energy transition in the shipping sector will require to re-think the way we design the engine rooms and organise our energy storage and supply onboard. Electric engine and their power source (Hydrogen-fuel cell combination, battery, super-capacitor or methanol in combustion engine or high temperature fuel cell) requires much more than buying new components and connecting them. The energy and power architecture of a vessel is crucial to succeed in this transition and to build successful vessels. This must be tackle as a whole at the very beginning of the concept.


Our group of experts uses numerical techniques to develop and optimise performance of your systems and their control. Design optimisation are usually performed by means of CFD techniques, as well as time domain techniques where your own controls can be applied. We can also assist in the design and performance assessment of crane operations, launch and recovery systems, motion compensation platform, geometry of internal dock /moonpool/swimming pool and related risk of sloshing for example. Any system onboard, directly acting on the ship performance or being part of the operations at sea, can be optimised and checked before being integrated.


Our group of experts uses numerical techniques to develop and optimise performance of your systems and their control. Design optimisation are usually performed by means of CFD techniques, as well as time domain techniques where your own controls can be applied. We can also assist in the design and performance assessment of crane operations, launch and recovery systems, motion compensation platform, geometry of internal dock /moonpool/swimming pool and related risk of sloshing for example. Any system onboard, directly acting on the ship performance or being part of the operations at sea, can be optimised and checked before being integrated.
seaqualize heave compensation tool
The Delta600 by Seaqualize, an active hook-based, in-air, heave compensation tool for loads up to 600mT. MARIN helped in this development
by assessing the workability and establishing a horizontal motion compensation strategy. We have also performed prototype testing and
developed and validated a numerical model to calculate motion behaviour.
Jips & Networks
Joint Industry Project


One of the core services of MARIN is to carry out measurement campaigns on board ships and to analyse the collected data. The main aim of the Valid ...
Joint Industry Project
Laura 3


The aim of this JIP is the development of a design standard for a common system that can launch and recover a wide variety of small craft and which ...
Joint Industry Project
do-it radar


This JIP will combine Auto Ride Control and motion prediction based on remote wave sensing by radar and demonstrate this in a prototype system on a ...



Life at Sea

The sea is increasingly being regarded as a location for energy generation, food production and possible living at sea. MARIN uses high-quality hydrodynamic research to support the development of floating airports, ports, energy islands and fish and seaweed farming.

Oil and Gas

During the transition to sustainable energy, oil and gas remain essential parts of our energy mix. Using our knowledge and unique facilities, MARIN contributes to improving concepts and making operations for oil and gas extraction at sea safer.

Transport And Shipping

About 90% of international trade is transported by sea. By combining our hydrodynamic and nautical expertise with knowledge of propulsion systems and of logistic and operational aspects we make transport by water cleaner, smarter and safer.


As tensions increase across the world, protection at sea is becoming ever more important. Beyond the core defence tasks, this also includes providing adequate search and rescue capability, refugee assistance and efficient customs and border patrol. MARIN operates as an independent party on the international market, cooperating with partners such as the Royal Netherlands Navy. We support the development and implementation of complex platforms and missions at sea in realistic conditions.


The sea is becoming increasingly important for sustainable energy generation. MARIN has considerable knowledge about the behaviour of vessels and structures at sea. This enables us to contribute to efficient and sustainable solutions for (floating) wind power, floating solar panels and energy generation from tidal flows, waves and temperature differences.

Passengers and Yachting

Yacht owners, passengers and crew of luxury cruise ships and ferries are demanding ever higher standards of comfort, user convenience and luxury on board. MARIN aims to make their stay at sea as sustainable, comfortable and safe as possible.


The availability of infrastructure, such as ports and waterways, is a basic requirement for economic development. By drawing up advisory reports, we contribute to the design and implementation of civil engineering projects, for instance for ports, tunnels, bridges and waterways. Shipping safety plays an important role in this respect.

Marine Systems

Clean, smart and safe maritime operations demand sustainable solutions. As well as research into complete vessels and structures, we contribute to improving sub-systems, such as innovative propulsion, steering and stabilisation systems.

Authorities and Regulators

Safe and sustainable marine operations require clear agreements and regulations. As an independent party, MARIN works together with governments, classification agencies and other market parties to develop policy advice and assess practical guidelines.