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2018 - 2024

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Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics

11 Oct 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

International workshops on numerical methods in ship viscous flow have been organised regularly over a long period of time. The workshops were held ...
cfd developmenthull form optimisationresearch and development

Joint Industry Project WiSP3 has set sail

11 Oct 2024

Reading time 1 minute

Following the successful Joint Industry Projects WiSP 1 and WiSP 2, MARIN started the WiSP3 JIP. This project will take 2 years to complete until ...

Online kennissessie Natte Kunstwerken, 14 oktober

27 Sep 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

Het Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken (KpNK) ontwikkelt kennis die bijdraagt aan verantwoorde besluitvorming rondom vervanging en renovatie van ...

Nieuwe samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor digitalisering in de watersector ondertekend

19 Sep 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

In de afgelopen maanden hebben achttien toonaangevende organisaties uit de watersector hun handtekening gezet onder de nieuwe ...

Online kennissessie Natte Kunstwerken, 17 september

23 Aug 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

Het Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken (KpNK) ontwikkelt kennis die bijdraagt aan verantwoorde besluitvorming rondom vervanging en renovatie van ...

Green Deal Validation: study operational advice tools

13 Aug 2024

Reading time 1 minute

MARIN and TNO are currently conducting a study into the effect of operational measures and data-driven support to limit emissions in maritime ...
sustainabilityzero emissionjoint industry project

Join the Floating Future Webinars

9 Aug 2024

Reading time 1 minute

The Floating Future has developed a very interesting series of webinars together with ClimateCafé. In 5 sessions they will deep dive on various ...
renewableslife at sea

Sneak preview HISWA Symposium 2024

1 Aug 2024

Reading time 1 minute

Get a sneak preview of the upcoming HISWA Symposium 2024, featuring an exciting theme: MODERN TIMES! The 28th international HISWA Symposium on ...
passengers and yachting

Olaf Waals en Hannes Bogaert benoemd tot nieuwe directie MARIN

27 Jun 2024

Reading time 1 minute

Wageningen, 27 juni 2024 – De Raad van Toezicht van Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland (MARIN) heeft Olaf Waals en Hannes Bogaert benoemd tot ...

Technasium students test floating islands and wind turbines

18 Jun 2024

Reading time 1 minute

Last Friday, first-year students from the technasia Pallas Athene, CSG Het Streek and Erasmus tested their own designs of floating islands and wind ...

Koning opent MARIN’s SOSc en ervaart ‘zee van de toekomst’

28 May 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

Wageningen, 28 mei 2024 - Zijne Majesteit de Koning opende dinsdagochtend 28 mei het Seven Oceans Simulator centre (SOSc) van MARIN. Met het ...

Watch the MARIN chain: calculations, model tests, simulations and monitoring

23 May 2024

Reading time 1 minute

Better ships, Blue oceans. These four words inspire us to serve the maritime industry, government and society with independent research to make ...

Follow-up Bubbles Project

14 May 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

Installing windturbine foundations into the seabed by high-energy piling causes noise that can cause damage to marinelife. Underwater species such ...
offshore windoffshore energyearly innovations and solutionsresearchnoise and vibration

Watch our mission: Better Ships, Blue Oceans

26 Apr 2024

Reading time 1 minute

This short video is dedicated to MARIN’s mission: ‘Better ships, Blue oceans’. These four words inspire us to serve the maritime industry, ...

Koning opent Seven Oceans Simulator centre

25 Apr 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

Wageningen, 25 april 2024 - Zijne Majesteit de Koning opent dinsdagochtend 28 mei in Wageningen het Seven Oceans Simulator centre (SOSc) van MARIN, ...
simulatorssafetysustainabilityresearch and developmentearly innovations and solutionsfacilities and tools