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Cable 2 JIP will further develop subsea inter‐array cable technology

19 Mar 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Cable 1 JIP (2017-2019) was an RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) subsidised research project with the aim of studying the use of a semi-static ...
joint industry projectfloating wind turbineoffshorerenewablesdynamic positioningvortex induced vibrations (viv)

Het Klokhuis: The Floating Future

11 Mar 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

The Dutch tv program Het Klokhuis made an interesting broadcast about the 'floating future': a unique floating island concept that we tested in our ...
life at sea

Join our demo on Sustainable fish farming, March 16

9 Mar 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

In 2021 MARIN’s Blue Growth programme focusses on the technical feasibility of fish farming in offshore wind parks. With this technical research ...
life at seawind farmsblue growthfish farmsustainability

Operation Blue Beach: testing amphibious operations

8 Mar 2021

Reading time 3 minutes

Today’s landing craft sail faster and faster. So how do you navigate breaking waves for a safe and controlled landing and retreat? Commissioned by ...
defencemodel testingsafety assessmentwave loads

Podcast | Noise pollution: Taking human sounds out of our oceans and restoring balance

4 Mar 2021

Reading time 1 minute

In the 5 Podcast, Thomas Loudon investigates issues and solutions that create a more sustainable world one step at the time. In this episode he ...
life at seanoise and vibrationmeasurements and controlresistance and propulsionpropeller and cavitation

HAWA-III JIP: Near shore terminals and their sensitivity to infragravity waves

1 Mar 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

MARIN, Deltares and Bureau Veritas Group are starting the HAWA-III JIP (Shallow Water Initiative) which focuses on near shore terminals and their ...
mooring and offloadingjoint industry projectshallow water basin

Recording Ship Power and Energy Concepts webinar

27 Feb 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

On February 22 we introduced the SPEC tool: Ship Power and Energy Concepts. This tool supports the selection process of future energy carrier and ...
research and development

NAVAIS: Model Based Systems Engineering in a shipbuilding environment

26 Feb 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Thursday 11th of February the first in a series of webinars was hosted by the NAVAIS project. In this first webinar, an audience of almost 100 ...

power the future during BlueWeek and FPSO JIP Week 2021

19 Feb 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

POWER THE FUTUREBringing sustainable energy into production, storage, power and motion The maritime industry will come together again in 2021, with ...

South Westerly storm and mooring line loads captured

12 Feb 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

On January 21, MARIN measured the severe wind conditions across the ECT Delta terminal in Rotterdam in combination with the motions and mooring line ...
mooring and offloadingloads and responseswind loadsonboard advisory

Hydrodynamics in Ship Design course online

2 Feb 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

The online course Hydrodynamics in Ship Design consists of 6 separate online sessions, each with a main subject. Each session will be a combination ...

Webinar on Ship Power and Energy Concepts

1 Feb 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Join this online webinar on February 22 (13.00-14.00h) introducing the SPEC tool: Ship Power and Energy Concepts. This tool supports the selection ...
poweringrenewable energymarine systems

New surf-riding & broaching jip

29 Jan 2021

Reading time 4 minutes

When sailing in following seas, difficulty in steering and keeping the desired course is not uncommon. In many normal operative conditions, this ...
seakeeping performancestability, seakeeping and ocean engineering

MARIN secures award for US supply chain study

28 Jan 2021

Reading time 1 minute

MARIN is pleased to announce that its Houston-based subsidiary, MARIN-USA, has received notice of an award from the National Offshore Wind Research ...
offshore windfloating wind turbine

Invitation NAVAIS webinars

28 Jan 2021

Reading time 3 minutes

We as NAVAIS partner invite you to participate in the EC-funded NAVAIS project webinar series. Worldwide competition is fierce, and in order to ...