GlobalListening to the wind interview
7 jun. 2021
Reading time 1 minute
Within a series of ‘Listening to the Wind’ interviews - as part of the 'Decade of Wind Propulsion' campaign of the International Windship ...
wind propulsionoffshore windrenewables
Global70+ stakeholders work together in TopTier project on securing container safety
3 jun. 2021
Reading time 3 minutes
On May 18, 2021 the TopTier Joint Industry Project was kicked off by MARIN with an online meeting attended by over 70 representatives. The ...
transport and shippingstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringtraffic and safetyjoint industry project
GlobalTopTier project on securing container safety officially kicked off
20 mei 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
On May 18 the TopTier Joint Industry Project was kicked off with an online meeting attended by 70+ representatives. The objective of this three year ...
transport and shippingjoint industry projectstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringtraffic and safety
GlobalCRS webinars on Propeller Optimization and Structural Monitoring
12 mei 2021
Reading time 3 minutes
The Cooperative Research Ships is a unique community of 24 maritime organizations working together in real Public-Private Partnership. CRS started ...
joint industry projectpropeller and cavitationwaves, impacts and hydrostructural
GlobalEU awards nearly € 25 million in funding to 'Green port project' Rotterdam
11 mei 2021
Reading time 3 minutes
International consortium works together to promote smarter, zero-emission transport in ports An international alliance of 45 companies, knowledge ...
zero emissionsustainability
GlobalWorking paper on the Design of the Wageningen F-series
30 apr. 2021
Reading time 1 minute
The Wageningen F-series Joint Industry Project (JIP) provides a new standard series of fixed-pitch propellers that encompasses the design features ...
propeller and cavitationnoise and vibrationjoint industry project
GlobalReport magazine 131: read now and register for future editions
12 apr. 2021
Reading time 1 minute
MARIN Report is our corporate magazine. The magazine focusses on recent projects and keeps readers informed of the latest research. MARIN Report is ...
blue growthlife at searenewablessustainability
GlobalWASP webinar & WiSP workshop
29 mrt. 2021
Reading time 1 minute
Collective input is needed to come to a clear, joint strategy on wind propulsion performance, and rules and regulations. That is why ABS, the ...
wind assisted ships waspwind propulsionrenewables
GlobalIWSA Open letter release for shipping decarbonisation
26 mrt. 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
Over 90 maritime corporations, shipowners, designers and technology providers all involved with wind propulsion have come together to release this ...
GlobalRegistration open for BlueWeek and FPSO JIP Week 2021
23 mrt. 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
POWER THE FUTURE | REGISTRATION NOW OPENBringing sustainable energy into production, storage, power and motion The maritime industry will come ...
sustainabilityblue growtheventslife at searenewables
GlobalSWZ | Maritime: lifelong learning
23 mrt. 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
MARIN has a lot of experience in simulator research and training programs for specific and complex maritime operations. With this experience, MARIN ...
GlobalCable 2 JIP will further develop subsea inter‐array cable technology
19 mrt. 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
Cable 1 JIP (2017-2019) was an RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) subsidised research project with the aim of studying the use of a semi-static ...
joint industry projectfloating wind turbineoffshorerenewablesdynamic positioningvortex induced vibrations (viv)
GlobalHet Klokhuis: The Floating Future
11 mrt. 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
The Dutch tv program Het Klokhuis made an interesting broadcast about the 'floating future': a unique floating island concept that we tested in our ...
life at sea
GlobalJoin our demo on Sustainable fish farming, March 16
9 mrt. 2021
Reading time 2 minutes
In 2021 MARIN’s Blue Growth programme focusses on the technical feasibility of fish farming in offshore wind parks. With this technical research ...
life at seawind farmsblue growthfish farmsustainability
GlobalOperation Blue Beach: testing amphibious operations
8 mrt. 2021
Reading time 3 minutes
Today’s landing craft sail faster and faster. So how do you navigate breaking waves for a safe and controlled landing and retreat? Commissioned by ...
defencemodel testingsafety assessmentwave loads