‘Dit voelt als mijn schip’

Wie een (brug)simulator wil gebruiken of kopen, doet dat vooral om echt complexe maritieme operaties en situaties op een efficiënte manier te trainen in een veilige omgeving. Daarnaast kun je professionele simulatoren inzetten voor onderzoekstudies en testen van innovatieve ontwikkelingen. Denk aan de toepassing van virtual reality, operationele adviestools en het testen van autonome schepen. Voorwaarde in al die gevallen is wel dat een schip of maritieme constructie zich tijdens de simulatie precies zo gedraagt als in de praktijk.

MARIN Inside

Juist dat maakt de simulatoren van MARIN zo uniek: zeer realistisch gedrag, gebaseerd op onze hydrodynamische kennis en ruim 85 jaar ervaring met modelproeven en rekenstudies voor schepen en offshore-constructies. Met onze expertise en krachtige software - MARIN Inside - kunnen we bijvoorbeeld klantspecifieke schepen ‘genereren’ en die realistisch (6 DoF) laten interacteren. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan interacties met golven, tussen passerende schepen of het varen in ondiep water. Het is van groot belang dat die interactie-effecten accuraat gemodelleerd zijn.

Elke dag voeden en valideren we onze software met nieuwe inzichten en wensen. Van onszelf, maar vooral van mensen uit de praktijk, zoals loodsen, kapiteins en instructeurs die gebruik maken van onze simulatoren.

verkoop simulator(software)

Met onze in huis ontwikkelde simulatorsoftware kunt u het volledige scala aan maritieme operaties simuleren. Van eenvoudige scheepsafhandeling tot complexe, risicovolle offshore-operaties met meerdere spelers, van manoeuvrerende schepen tot planerende schepen. Onze kennis en ervaring tijdens onderzoek en ontwerp verwerken wij in onze software die klanten en wijzelf weer dagelijks gebruiken. We valideren onze tools continu met testresultaten van modellen en gegevens op ware grootte.

We bouwen simulatoren en gebruiken deze voor ons eigen onderzoek en voor het trainen van complexe maritieme operaties en situaties. Wij verkopen ook simulatoren. Op deze manier kunnen klanten hun bemanning eenvoudig op eigen locatie trainen.

Interesse in onze simulatoren of simulatorsoftware? Laat het ons weten via onderstaand formulier. We nemen dan snel contact met u op.


Contact person photo

Arno Bons


Auke Ditzel

Senior Project Manager

Full mission bridge simulators

We operate two full mission bridge simulators for research, consultancy and training purposes of professional mariners. The simulators can be used separately or combined in the same scenario. The steering controls can be easily adapted to the specifications of the simulated vessel.

Full mission bridge simulators

We operate two full mission bridge simulators for research, consultancy and training purposes of professional mariners. The simulators can be used separately or combined in the same scenario. The steering controls can be easily adapted to the specifications of the simulated vessel.

Compact manoeuvring simulators

Our Compact Manoeuvring Simulators are used to simulate smaller vessels and specific operations. These simulators are based on exactly the same ‘ownship’ functionality as the full-mission simulators.

Compact manoeuvring simulators

Our Compact Manoeuvring Simulators are used to simulate smaller vessels and specific operations. These simulators are based on exactly the same ‘ownship’ functionality as the full-mission simulators.

Fast Small Ships simulator

The Fast Small Ship Simulator provides a safe and accurate environment for training of drivers and navigators of high-speed craft (HSC) both for naval and civil operations. Today the FSSS is used for crew training & assessment on seakeeping operations both for naval and civil ops, impact forces dealing with slamming, broaching & surfing, to experience impacts on a 6DOF motion base, and for training anti-drugs, anti-terror and boarding operations.

Fast Small Ships simulator

The Fast Small Ship Simulator provides a safe and accurate environment for training of drivers and navigators of high-speed craft (HSC) both for naval and civil operations. Today the FSSS is used for crew training & assessment on seakeeping operations both for naval and civil ops, impact forces dealing with slamming, broaching & surfing, to experience impacts on a 6DOF motion base, and for training anti-drugs, anti-terror and boarding operations.

Vessel traffic simulator | VTS

The MARIN Vessel Traffic Simulator (VTS) has been the perfect training tool for VTS operators for years. Since today logistics and transportation are more and more data driven, the traditional VTS will disappear and will be replaced by Vessel Traffic Management. MARIN is building a new Seven Oceans Simulator Centre to be ready for future vessel traffic management.

Vessel traffic simulator | VTS

The MARIN Vessel Traffic Simulator (VTS) has been the perfect training tool for VTS operators for years. Since today logistics and transportation are more and more data driven, the traditional VTS will disappear and will be replaced by Vessel Traffic Management. MARIN is building a new Seven Oceans Simulator Centre to be ready for future vessel traffic management.

Houston Simulator

To privide our USA clients with advice in an easy and fast way, we have our own bridge simulator facility in Houston. The Houston simulator is used for concept design and operations training and consists of a main bridge with full console, two tug stations and an Instructor Operator Station. The simulator is perfectly suited for complex research or training projects.

Houston Simulator

To privide our USA clients with advice in an easy and fast way, we have our own bridge simulator facility in Houston. The Houston simulator is used for concept design and operations training and consists of a main bridge with full console, two tug stations and an Instructor Operator Station. The simulator is perfectly suited for complex research or training projects.

Seven Oceans Simulator Centre | SOSc

September 2022 MARIN started the construction of the Seven Oceans Simulator centre (SOSc). With this new research facility, MARIN aims to make maritime operations safer and more efficient through the most realistic simulation of the behaviour of vessels and their interaction between maritime structures, the environment and humans.

Seven Oceans Simulator Centre | SOSc

September 2022 MARIN started the construction of the Seven Oceans Simulator centre (SOSc). With this new research facility, MARIN aims to make maritime operations safer and more efficient through the most realistic simulation of the behaviour of vessels and their interaction between maritime structures, the environment and humans.

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