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Nautical studies for the EemsEnergy Terminal

AuthorsDimitri van Heel, Arjan Voogt
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 134
Date12 Dec 2022
Reading time6 minutes
MARIN assisted N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie with nautical studies investigating the import of LNG into the port of Eemshaven. The project requires the installation and operation of two Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs). Given the fast-track schedule of less than six months for the total project duration - from idea to first gas - required swift action from MARIN.

Studies provided included a dynamic mooring analysis to evaluate the mooring system for both FSRUs in extreme conditions, manoeuvring simulations for the port and the access channel, and a nautical risk study.


Contact person photo

Dimitri van Heel

Senior Project Manager/Teamleider

Arjan Voogt


MARIN Report 134 Nautical studies for the EemsEnergy Terminal
As shown in the illustration, the LNG carriers will manoeuvre backwards with tug assistance and then be moored alongside a
similarly sized, ship-shape FSRU. A much smaller, barge-shaped FSRU will be moored near the bow of the large FSRU to increase the total storage and regasification capacity.
 MARIN assisted N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie with nautical studies investigating the import of LNG into the port of Eemshaven