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Testing Aikido Technologies self-installing floating wind turbine

MARIN Report 138

20 Dec 2024

Aikido Technologies is designing a floating wind concept that is optimised to handle the installation and logistics challenges faced by the ...
floating windfloating wind turbine

First project takes place on the new Full Mission Bridge simulator

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

As the Full Mission Bridge (FMB) officially opens and the first project takes place, Report interviews two senior pilots about their experiences at ...
marin report magazinefacilities and toolssimulators

Integrating eXtended Reality at new MX Lab

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

Marking a significant milestone in unlocking new simulation potential within MARIN, the Maritime eXperience Lab (MX Lab) is a cutting-edge facility ...
facilities and toolssimulatorsmarin report magazine

Improving safety, efficiency and performance by empowering the human operator

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

With the rise of new technologies in maritime operations and the growing trend towards technological innovations, a better understanding of the ...
operations and human factors

Exploring further - a look into future applications for the SOSc

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

Of course, the development of the Seven Oceans Simulator centre continues apace. Firstly, we will focus on getting all the SOSc facilities up to ...
simulatorsoperations and human factorsfacilities and tools

Assess and feel the motions

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

Designing a ship or operation involves careful consideration of various factors. For a yacht the focus might be on ensuring comfort for passengers ...
ships and structurespassengers and yachtingshipsfacilities and toolssimulators

A short tour of the Seven Oceans Simulator centre

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

Bridge simulators have always played an important role in MARIN’s portfolio - a crucial link between the operational concept and the actual ...
facilities and toolssimulatorsmarin report magazine

King Willem-Alexander declares the new Seven Oceans Simulator centre open!

MARIN Report 140

24 Jun 2024

MARIN’s state-of-the-art Seven Oceans Simulator centre (SOSc) is officially declared open by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. ...
marin report magazinesimulatorsfacilities and tools

Nevesbu HVDC Substation concept model tests at MARIN

MARIN Report 139

29 Mar 2024

According to expectations, 1,800 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy will be generated by 2050 worldwide, of which 250 GW will be produced by ...
offshoreoffshore windoffshore energy

Wave basin tests to demonstrate an integrated floating breakwater and solar farm concept

MARIN Report 139

29 Mar 2024

The Horizon Europe project SUREWAVE (2022-2025) aims to develop a floating solar farm for offshore environments. An existing design of ...
floating solaroffshoreoffshore energy

Manoeuvring and seakeeping with wind propulsion

MARIN Report 139

29 Mar 2024

The market introduction of wind propulsion continues to accelerate with the fleet of commercial ships equipped doubling in the last year. And if ...
wind propulsion

Screening to find critical wave events for green water and slamming

MARIN Report 139

29 Mar 2024

Recent accidents underline the importance of designing for loads that occur due to extreme waves impacting marine structures. This was illustrated ...
wave measurementsslammingcfd

Can a computer learn to sail an Optimist with AI?

MARIN Report 139

29 Mar 2024

Put a child in an Optimist and it will learn how to sail intuitively, without understanding the details of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. This ...
data sciencetime-domain simulationsai

Opening of the Seven Oceans Simulator centre is fast approaching

MARIN Report 139

9 Mar 2024

MARIN employees, partners and their subcontractors have been working hard on the realisation of the new, innovative research facility of MARIN - the ...
simulatorsfacilities and tools

Advanced sailing prediction models of inland waterway vessels

MARIN Report 138

20 Dec 2023

MARIN aims to provide advanced prediction models of the sailing behaviour of inland ships to support the transformation of inland waterway ...
inland shipping