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2018 - 2024

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New techniques for ship hull form optimisation based on CFD

9 Jan 2024

Reading time 2 minutes

This paper discusses recently developed techniques for ship hull form optimization based on CFD computations, as are now applied in practice at ...
hull form optimisationcfd

Read our latest magazine online

19 Dec 2023

Reading time 1 minute

Read the latest edition of MARIN Report to get an update on Sustainable shortsea shipping, Wind propulsion, sailing in shallow water, Floating wind ...

Happy holidays and a glowing 2024

18 Dec 2023

Reading time 1 minute

Set to open in spring 2024, MARIN’s Seven Oceans Simulator centre is taking shape and already glowing. With this new research facility, MARIN aims ...

Registration BlueWeek 2024 is open!

14 Dec 2023

Reading time 1 minute

We are happy to announce that the registration for the BlueWeek 2024 is open. Join us in Venice, Italy from 8 to 12 April 2024. BlueWeek 2024 will ...
sustainabilityblue growthocean energy

Can a computer learn to sail an Optimist with AI?

1 Dec 2023

Reading time 2 minutes

Put a child in an Optimist and it will learn how to sail intuitively, without understanding the details of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. One year ...

SUREWAVE's first concept of Floating Photo-Voltaic system tested

1 Dec 2023

Reading time 1 minute

The Horizon Europe project SUREWAVE aims to develop and test an innovative concept of Floating Photo-Voltaic (FPV) system, consisting of an external ...

Eerste financiële injectie in Onderzoeksfaciliteiten Nederlandse Toegepaste Onderzoeksorganisaties (TO2)

13 Nov 2023

Reading time 2 minutes

Minister Adriaansens van EZK heeft budget voor toegepaste onderzoeksfaciliteiten beschikbaar gesteld. In een eerste ronde voor deze Faciliteiten ...
early innovations and solutionsnetworkresearch and development

2024 call for free test tme for SME (MKB) companies

6 Nov 2023

Reading time 1 minute

MARIN just opened the 2024 call for Small & Medium Enterprises (MKB) to test their new ideas and concepts for free. The initiative aims at ...
early innovations and solutionsresearch and development

Register now: Hydrodynamics in Ship Design course 2024

3 Nov 2023

Reading time 1 minute

Are you an engineer who wants to specialise in the hydrodynamics of ship design and keep up with the latest developments in CFD, Resistance & ...
resistance and propulsiontrainingcfd development

TO2 institutes present Impact Report 2023

2 Nov 2023

Reading time 1 minute

Today the TO2 institutes TNO, WUR, Deltares, NLR and MARIN, present the Impact Report 2023. The Impact Report is published each year in close ...

SmartPort summit Circulaire haven Rotterdam

30 Oct 2023

Reading time 1 minute

De SmartPort Summit vindt plaats op donderdag 23 november 2023 in Rotterdam Ahoy. Voor het voortbestaan van de Rotterdamse haven is de transitie ...
transport and shipping

Project Zero: a fossil (fuel) free sailing yacht

27 Oct 2023

Reading time 1 minute

Last week Foundation Zero presented their latest, innovative research part of Project Zero, the name given to the project which refers to the built ...

New Tripping JIP for scale corrections for propellers using boundary layer tripping

9 Oct 2023

Reading time 1 minute

Full scale performance of propellers is still an area of large uncertainty during the propeller design phase, during the extrapolation of model ...

Major milestone for new Seven Oceans Simulator centre

6 Oct 2023

Reading time 2 minutes

Today a major milestone was achieved in the realisation of MARIN’s new Seven Oceans Simulator centre (SOSc). The Wageningen construction company Van ...
simulatorssimulationsfacilities and tools

Look behind the scenes for Young NMT

22 Sep 2023

Reading time 2 minutes

Yesterday we welcomed 38 Young NMT participants at MARIN. They enjoyed a tour through the basins, visited the Fast Small Ships Simulator and ...