
WiSP 3 will focus on the standardisation of performance predictions of wind assisted ships and updates on the regulatory framework, including EEDI, EEXI and CII. The aim is to provide industry standards on the methods to predict fuel savings and emission reductions, enabling fair comparison.
Wind propulsion is steadily gaining traction. At the start of 2023 there were about 24 commercial ships with wind propulsion, which is doubling throughout 2023. Many makers investing in their production process, so growth is expected to accelerate thereafter. The current savings we see of the ships now being equipped with wind propulsion are roughly 5% - 15% overall fuel and greenhouse gas emission. Moreover, there are several projects with serious dedication aiming for delivering the majority of thrust from wind propulsion .

This rapid pace of development shows the increasing urgency for reliable predictions, rules and regulations and industry standards. The WiSP3 Joint Industry Project will start in 2024, following-up the successful Joint Industry Projects WiSP 1 and WiSP 2.


The WiSP 3 JIP will take 2 years to complete until April 2026. The first meeting took place November 30, 2023 where the initial work plan was discussed. The kick-off meeting was organised 12 April 2024 during the BlueWeek in Venice, Italy.


WiSP 3 is initiated by MARIN, in cooperation with American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and International Wind Ship Association (IWSA) and a large number of WiSP 1 and WiSP 2 participants.


Currently 33 parties have confirmed to participate. The parties are listed below in alphabetic order. We will update the list regularly.

  • ABS
  • Alfa Wall Oceanbird AB
  • Anemoi
  • Blue Wasp Marin
  • Bound 4 Blue, S.L.
  • Carnival Maritime
  • CMHK
  • CoscoShipping
  • Crain Technologies
  • Indian Register of Shipping (IR Class)
  • IWES Fraunhofer
  • IWSA
  • Lloyd's Register
  • Louis Dreyfus Armateurs SAS (LDA)
  • Marshall Islands Registry
  • Mauric
  • MTI co., Ltd.
  • Norsepower Oy Ltd
  • Oceanwings
  • Petrobras
  • SINTEF Ocean
  • Stena Teknik
  • TU Delft
  • Union Maritime Ltd (UML)
  • University of Strathclyde
  • Vaisala
  • Vicusdt


Contact person photo

Patrick Hooijmans

Team Leader Transport & Shipping | Senior Project Manager


Harmonisation of class rules.
Further gap analysis in class rules and regulations will be addressed and discussed amongst class society via IACS

Improved performance predictions
  • Hindcast versus forecast data. Finding the impact on performance due to differences between forecast and hindcast weather data, including decisions based on the forecast data
  • Full scale validation. Full scale on-board measurements are analysed and compared against prediction data.
  • Further assessment on aerodynamics. Interaction effects, boundary layer effects and wind gust impacts are investigated
  • Impact on propeller and engine operations. Engine load variations, especially for hybrid propulsion systems may have an impact on the actual power and fuel savings .In case of sustained propeller unloading, pressure side cavitation on the propeller can occur.
  • Numerical and sea trial verification method for manoeuvrability and stability. The present IMO regulations do not address application of wind propulsion systems.
  • EEDI sea trial verification standards. EEDI approval standards are required. Moreover, exemption standards need to be formulated in case of wind propulsion.

Industry standards for laboratory tests on combined hydrodynamics and aerodynamics.
By seeking collaboration with wind tunnels, develop standards for determining the performance of wind propulsion systems. Standards for conducting model tests will be proposed for hydrodynamic performance assessment,

Impact of unsteady conditions on the performance of wind propulsion systems.
Wind propulsion systems may perform differently when in rough sea conditions. Time domain simulations and model tests will identify the impact.

Blueroute application
The Blueroute application will be further developed, enabling re-routing options and high fidelity performance predictions. An usergroup will be formed to properly align requirements and capabilities.

Impact of WASP controls and design considerations
Focus will be on the impact of the WASP location as well as the WASP controls on the performance in operational conditions.

The project is of interest to many organisations in the maritime industry worldwide: WASP suppliers, design offices, shipyards, ship owners, ship operators, classification societies and universities. WiSP 3 is open for new participants to join.

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