WiSP 2



WiSP 2 focuses on making evaluations within EEDI and EEXI and from real operational conditions. The aim is to identify the amount of fuel savings shipowners can achieve, enabling them to make informed investment decisions, while keeping in mind the upcoming CII requirements.
After the successful first Wind assisted Ship Propulsion (WiSP) Joint Industry Project, some open ends and new insights were revealed. For this reason a follow-up JIP has been launched. WiSP 2 focuses on making evaluations within EEDI and EEXI and from real operational conditions.

The project aims to identify the amount of fuel savings shipowners can achieve, enabling them to make informed investment decisions, while keeping in mind the forthcoming CII requirements. WiSP 2 will be the gateway for the maritime industry to adopt wind assisted ship propulsion (WASP).

The ambition is to cover the majority of marketed wind-assisted ship propulsors in this pre-competitive project, thus expanding the systems already considered in the previous WiSP. The project will not go into the details of company-specific design solutions.

time line

October 2021 up to December 2023. Closure meeting 12 April 2024 during the
BlueWeek in Venice, Italy.


Contact person photo

Patrick Hooijmans

Team Leader Transport & Shipping | Senior Project Manager


Current participants are a broad representation of the maritime sector: shipbuilders, ship designers, research institutes, technology suppliers, class societies, flag states.


In recent years, there has been a resurgence of research on wind-assisted ship propulsion. The slow uptake of wind propulsion is partially due to marginal profitability and finance options with the low oil prices and the poor market in recent years. However, a study by CE Delft [1] on the market potential for wind propulsion found that another major barrier is the shortage of transparent and independently verified information and methods to predict the performance of wind propulsors. Other barriers identified are lack of sufficient practical examples and tailor-made work to demonstrate compliance with statutory and class rules and regulations. Although WiSP and the general industry made significant steps, these barriers are largely still hindering the broad uptake of WASP.


  • Improve methods for transparent performance prediction;
  • Use the improved methods to provide ship owners/operators with fast low-cost predictions for their fleet;
  • Further review of the regulatory perspective, recommend improvements and clarifications, and provide examples to establish compliance.
  • Development of a basic performance prediction tool, to be used by participants
  • Proposal for (in-service) speed trials with wind assist
  • Assess the influence of manoeuvring compliance and seakeeping operability on performance


WiSP 2 is a joint initiative of MARIN and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). In the interest of and supported by a large number of participants, we aim to investigate ways to overcome barriers to wind propulsion uptake. To this end, we are pleased to present the research activities as outlined in the leaflet below.
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