safetug II


This JIP aims at extending the operating envelopes of SafeTug I beyond the current levels, based upon criteria and defined operations improving safety, specific motions and comfort (endurance).


Objectives of SAFETUG II are:

  • Deliver a downtime calculation tool (software) to the participants for berthing operations.
  • Digest on a number of observed trends in design parameters and explore the limits further. Present the impact of design changes in trend lines.
  • Perform focussed systematic model tests to find out specific values such as for example roll damping (at least the aspects which turn out to be important as a result from the parameter study).
  • Establish objective criteria on motion behaviour looking at downtime of tugs.
  • Lay down a set of requirements where tug and crew have to fulfil.

A number of these objectives are direct derivatives from SAFETUG I:Important objectives of the original proposal which haven’t been addressed or not finished within the project are:

  • The identification of the important factors in the tug design and equipment.
  • The identification of the relevant criteria per type of the operation.

The above objectives aim to understand the operability envelopes (downtimes) for the various offshore or port approach assist operations. This overall aim of SAFETUG requires in addition to the equipment and criteria issue, a few gaps to be closed to finish the operability methods.The tug design & equipment improvement issue is seen as the most important remaining objective, which aims at extending the operating envelopes beyond the current levels, based upon criteria and defined operations improving safety, specific motions and comfort (endurance).


Contact person photo

Johan H. de Jong

Manager International Cooperation


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