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Voyage Acceleration Climate - A Comprehensive Statistical Method for the Evaluation of Design Loads for Offshore Transport

AuthorsAalbers, A.B., Leenaars, C.E.J., Quadvlieg, F.H.H.A.
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
Date1 mei 1996
The paper presents a new procedure for the calculation of realistic values for the design loads for heavy lift and vulnerable cargo transports The presented work is the result of a joint effort of 6 surveying companies, 5 heavy transport companies and MARIN Traditionally, design accelerations for ocean transports were calculated by the use of a so called design wave Now, a tool is produced which takes the motion climate during a complete voyage into account. DUling a voyage, a ship meets a variety of wind and wave conditions called the wind and wave climate The ship and the crew react on these wind and wave conditions This results in a motion climate for that particular voyage, The most probable maximum load during a transport is derived from the motion climate and on the time actually spent at sea The final goal of the participating companies is that the method will develop into an international industry standard.

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Frans Quadvlieg

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