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Validation of CFD simulations of the moored DeepCwind offshore wind semisubmersible in irregular waves

AuthorsWang, L., Robertson, A., Kim, J., Jang, H., Shen, Z., Koop, A., Bunnik, T., Yu, K.
Conference/JournalOcean Engineering
Date15 Sep 2022
This article examines the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to predict the response of a
floating wind platform to irregular-wave excitation. This work was conducted as part of the Reproducible CFD
Joint Industry Project for Floating Offshore Wind Applications and involved verification across several participants and modeling tools and validation against experiments. The authors pay special attention to the uncertainties in both CFD results and experimental measurements. We perform detailed comparisons of the incident waves and the motion of a moored structure. The nonlinear, low-frequency resonance motion is of particular interest because it potentially drives the mooring and tower-base loads. The verification and validation study is partially successful in that the CFD simulations capture the low-frequency slow-drift motion well but underpredict the low-frequency pitch resonance. This underprediction can be attributed in part to the CFD incident waves, which showed some discrepancies with the experimental waves, especially around extreme events. The effects of the wave discrepancies are also estimated and investigated using a mid-fidelity OpenFAST model. Overall, the present study increases our confidence in using CFD simulations to predict the global performance of offshore wind platforms in irregular waves and to produce data for the calibration of lower-fidelity models.


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Arjen Koop

Senior Researcher/Teamleader

Tim Bunnik

Senior Researcher

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offshore windcfdverification and validationfloating wind turbine