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The Wave Induced Motions of a Tension Leg Platform in Deep Water

AuthorsGie, T.S., Boom, W.C. de
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
Date1 May 1981
This paper deals with the behaviour of a four column semi-submersible type Tension Leg Platform in 450 m water depth under the influence of regular and irregular long-crested waves.
Results of computations based on three-dimensional potential theory are compared with results of model tests carried out in the Seakeeping Basin of the Netherlands Ship Model Basin. This comparison not only concerns the wave frequency oscillatory motions of the platform and the forces in the mooring tethers but also the mean and low frequency motions induced by second order wave drift forces.
Some non-linearities appear to be present in the platform motions in the vertical plane and the forces in the mooring tethers, but in general the applicability of advanced computational methods for predicting in the design stage the motion behaviour and the mooring forces of a semi-submersible TLP in deep water is confirmed.

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