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Ship Resistance Validation Using Artificial Ice

AuthorsWerff, S. van der, Brouwer, J., Hagesteijn, G.
Conference/Journal34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2015), St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Date1 Jun 2015
In 2013, the first model tests with artificial ice were performed in MARIN's Concept Basin. A 'fishbone' type of channel was made out of rigid polypropylene (PP) particles, surrounded by large rigid PP plates, creating a testing case that is similar to pre-sawn ice conditions in refrigerated model test facilities. A subsequent testing campaign is done in 2014, where the friction between hull and artificial ice particles is further investigated.

Besides measurements of the resistance of the model ship, video images above and under water are used in this study. Results are compared with formulations such as Lindqvist. The knowledge gained with this study is used to improve MARIN's hydrodynamic multi-body tool aNySIM for simulation studies with ice particles represented by rigid, unbreakable bodies.


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Gerco Hagesteijn

Senior Project Manager Ships

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sustainable propulsionmeasurements and controldata scienceresistance and propulsionpoweringmodel testingpropulsionice