Passenger ship safety from a hydrodynamic perspective
AuthorsKat, J.O. de
Conference/JournalEuroconference, Crete, Greece
Date1 Jan 2001
This paper describes the hydrodynamic aspects that should be considered as part of passenger ship safety assessment. The key issue is the necessity to develop a comprehensive analysis approach, which would fit in a life-cycle design for operation methodology. Hydrodynamic elements of such a method comprise ship maneuvering, motions and loads in waves and wind, related seakeeping aspects (propulsion performance in waves, green seas, slamming, motion-induced response: sliding of objects or persons, officer/crew fatigue, or sea sickness), dynamic stability of intact ship (behavior in extreme conditions), on-board measurements, active operator guidance, nautical simulator for training of officers, behavior of damaged or flooded ship in waves and wind, mustering and evacuation, deployment of lifesaving appliances (LSA), behavior of LSA in extreme weather.
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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringseakeepingpassengers and yachtingresearch and developmentdamage stabilityextreme conditionscruise and ferryresearch