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Non-Linear Wave Run-Up Along the Side of Sailing Ships Causing Green Water on Deck - Experiments and Deterministic Calculation

AuthorsEssen, S. van, Bandringa, H., Helder, J., Buchner, B.
Conference/Journal39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2020)
Date1 Aug 2020
Experiments with a flat plate in oblique waves at different speeds, wave conditions, headings and drift speed were done to evaluate non-linear wave run-up along a sailing ship. Both the incoming and diffracted part of the run-up were highly nonlinear in all test conditions. The run-up was larger at 135 than at 150 deg heading, the influence of speed was small, wave steepness increased run-up up to the point of breaking and a drift speed decreased the run-up. Most of the observed differences were larger than the seed and basin variability. (Semi-) linear diffraction methods are not sufficient to predict the highest runup crests, but applying them to screen for critical events could be further studied. CFD is able to accurately predict the nonlinear run-up in such selected events. Combining different levels of tools seems the most efficient way to predict extreme wave events such as green water due to run-up.


Contact person photo

Sanne van Essen

Senior Project Manager

Henry Bandringa


Joop Helder

Senior Project Manager

Bas Buchner


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