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ITTC report of Specialist for Validation of Waterjet Test Procedures

AuthorsTerwisga, Tom van
Conference/Journal24th International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC), Edinburg, Scotland, UK
Date1 Jan 2005
The objective of the Specialist Committee on Validation of Waterjet Test Procedures is to provide proven procedures for the determination of the powering characteristics of waterjet propelled vessels. The objective includes an uncertainty study for the prediction of the main powering characteristics that can be derived 472 Specialist Committee on Validation of Waterjet Test Procedures from propulsion tests, such as jet thrust and effective jet system power. To meet this objective, the theoretical framework proposed by the Specialist Committee on Waterjets to the 21st ITTC was scrutinized and elaborated. A description of the resulting theoretical model for the prediction of powering characteristics of jet propelled vessels is presented in Section 3. Secondly, to collect results of several alternative experimental methods, a series of standardization tests has been designed and has been conducted by several ITTC Members. The various results were analysed and evaluated on simplicity and uncertainty.


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Tom van Terwisga

Team leader Resistance and Propulsion

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