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Innovero Design Server Applied On Naval Ship Design

AuthorsBons, A, Koelman, H.J., Oers, B.J. van, Takken, E.H.
Conference/JournalInternational Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS), Trieste, Italy
Date22 Sep 2011
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art Innovero design platform by means of a conceptual naval ship design case. The platform is a result of the three-year Dutch Maritime Innovation Platform project Innovero, which improves conceptual ship design by enabling the early stage application of advanced prediction tools. The major components of this system are discussed in this paper. The first is the Innovero Design Server, which enables concurrent use of design tools and knowledge in discipline-oriented knowledge systems or „agents‟. The second component is a method for the modelling of the internal geometry of the ship. This tool bridges the duality between volumes (spaces, compartments) and planes (bulkheads, decks). Both components were tested by The Defence Materiel Organisation to enable early stage assessment of intact and damaged stability, a crucial design driver for warships. The application illustrates how it improves the quality of the conceptual design process and reduces time-to-market for new designs.


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Arno Bons


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