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Hydrodynamic support in the design of submarines

AuthorsTerwisga, T.J.C. van, Hooft, J.P.
Conference/JournalBicentennial Maritime Symposium, Sydney, AUS
Date1 Jan 1988
The paper presents an overview of hydrodynamic support that can be given in the early design process of a submarine. With the knowledge and methods that have become available lately, it has become possible to optimize the design of a submarine in a short and systematic way.
A design process is briefly sketched and important hydrodynamic aspects are herein identified. An overview is subsequently presented in which the available methods and their use in the design process are indicated. A few methods are treated into me re detail (power prediction, potential flow calculation, propeller design and analysis, manoeuvrability prediction). The theory applied in these methods is outlined shortly and an example of possible applications is given.


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Tom van Terwisga

Team leader Resistance and Propulsion

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