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High-speed video observations and erosive cavitation

AuthorsTukker, J., Kuiper, G.
Conference/JournalCAV 2004, Boston, MA, USA
Date1 Jan 2004
For a reliable judgement of the erosive aggressiveness of cavitation close inspection of cavitation implosions are necessary. The conventional time lapse method cannot accurately detect the temporal development of cavitation. A better method is to use high-speed video combined with simultaneous high-frequency measurement of huil pressure signals. This paper discusses both observation methods and a newly developed high-speed observation system for depressurised towing tanks and full scale observations. Furthermore, the first high-speed recordings obtained on model scale and on full scale are presented.


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Jan Tukker


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sustainable propulsionresistance and propulsionmarine systemsdefencepassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingcavitation