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Full Scale Measurements of Passing Ship Effects

AuthorsWictor, W., Boom, H. van den.
Conference/Journal33rd PIANC World Congress, San Francisco
Date1 mei 2014

Within the ROPES (Research on Passing Effects of Ships) joint-industry project (JIP), an extensive full scale measurement campaign has been conducted. On four selected locations in the Port of Rotterdam the moored ship motions and line loads were measured while tracking the passing ships. This campaign aimed to investigate the passing ship effects in real world conditions and to collect data for validation of the ROPES software to predict the loads excited by passing ships.In this paper the full scale measurement campaign will be presented in detail. Selected results of the measurement campaign will be presented and the use of active mooring systems will be discussed.


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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringsustainable propulsionresistance and propulsionauthorities and regulatorstransport and shippingmonitoringspeed/power performancetrials