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DiStributed propulsion: a novel concept for inland vessels

AuthorsHagesteijn, G., Meij, K. van der, Thill, C.
Conference/Journal34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2015), St. John’s NL, Canada
Date17 Jun 2015

In the drive to reduce the full consumption of inland vessels, one of the main limitations, the risk of propeller ventilation was investigated. Aim was to reduce the resistance of the vessel, while at the same time an acceptable margin against propeller ventilation had to be assured. A typical inland vessel has up to 2 high loaded relative large propellers, which tip regions in the lighter loading condition are above the water line. To eliminate the risk of propeller ventilation, these ships often have inbuilt shape features such as tunnels and skirts, only having the intention to avoid air being drawn by the rotating propeller.


Contact person photo

Gerco Hagesteijn

Senior Project Manager Ships

Karola van der Meij

Head of Onboard Specialists

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manoeuvring and nautical studiessustainable propulsionresistance and propulsionmarine systemstransport and shippingfuel efficiencypropulsioninland shippingpropellerpropulsor