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Deepstar Study on Predicting FPSO Responses – Model Tests vs. Numerical Analysis

AuthorsYong, Y., Baudic, S., Poranski, P., Wichers, J., Stansberg, C.T., Ormberg, H.
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
Date3 mei 2004
This paper presents the correlation study of FPSO model tests and numerical analyses sponsored by the DeepStar program. The numerical analysis results of FPSO responses provided by SBM-IMODCO, FMC SOFEC Floating Systems, Inc., MARIN and MARINTEK have been compared with the model test results compiled by MARIN. The study demonstrated that the FPSO global responses can be well captured by the current state of the art analysis tools developed by the offshore industry. However, there are areas where further studies would be required to explain the test and analys is discrepancies. Through a series of sensitivity analyses, the study also highlighted a number of key parameters that can considerably influence the FPSO responses.

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