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Computational Study On Power Reduction By A Pre-Duct For A Bulk Carrier

AuthorsSchuiling, B., Windt, J., Rijpkema, D. R. and van Terwisga, T. J. C.
Conference/JournalTokyo 2015, A Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics, Tokyo, Japan
Date2 Dec 2015

This paper presents computational results of the flow around the Japanese Bulk Carrier (JBC). The overall agreement with the experiments for all cases is judged to be good. The experimentally obtained power reduction of 6.0% due to the duct was predicted to be 3.2% by the CFD.


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Bart Schuiling

Senior Researcher

Douwe Rijpkema

Researcher CFD

Tom van Terwisga

Team leader Resistance and Propulsion

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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringsustainable propulsioncfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesresistance and propulsionmarine systemsresearch and developmenthull form optimisationpropulsionresearch