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Benchmark study of slamming and whipping

AuthorsDrummen, I., Holtmann, M.
Conference/JournalOcean Engineering
Date1 Aug 2014

Throughout the maritime world, considerable efforts have been spent on predicting loads associated with slamming. Up to now, little attention has, however, been paid to the accuracy of the translation from these loads to the structural responses. An important reason for this is that, in general, it is assumed that the uncertainties in the modeling of the hydrodynamic properties are larger than those related to the structural responses. To address this topic, the ISSC 2012 Dynamic Response Committee, performed a benchmark study. The goal of this benchmark was twofold: on the one hand, the degree of variation in estimates produced by different methods and organizations was revealed; on the other hand, the deviations of the analyses were investigated by comparison with responses measured during model tests. From the results presented, it may amongst others be concluded that the shapes and frequencies of the two and three node, dry and wet and horizontal and vertical flexural vibration modes determined by the participants, were well inline with experimental results for four of the six participants. Computations considering an impulse induced by aregular headwave showed significant differences between the experiment, the different participants, and applied methods.


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Ingo Drummen

Teamleader Hydro-Structural Services

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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralseakeepingstructural response