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Assessing ReFRESCO Compressible Single Phase Flow Solver Numerical Robustness

AuthorsMuralha, J., Eça, L., Klaij, C.
Conference/Journal22nd Numerical Towing Tank Symposium (NuTTS 2019), Tomar, Portugal
Date30 Sep 2019
For must numerical simulations done in naval and offshore applications considering the fluids to be incompressible is a valid and reasonable approximation. Specific phenomena like slamming, sloshing and cavitation may require fluid compressibility to be taken into consideration. The goal of the present development of ReFRESCO is to modify the current flow solver to accurately solve compressible twophase flows. The first stage of this development was the introduction of a pressure-based single-phase flow solver. Before continuing ReFRESCO development, it is necessary to check the numerical convergence properties, i.e., the robustness (iterative errors) and order of grid convergence (discretization errors) of the solver. For this purpose, two test cases were used: the two dimensional zero pressure gradient turbulent flat plate and the two dimensional flow over a bump. These test cases were selected from NASA Langley Research Center Turbulence Modeling Resource webpage (Rumsey, 2009). In the present work, the results, of ReFRESCO single-phase compressible flow solver are also compared to the results from CFL3D and FUN3D, which are available at Rumsey (2009).


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Serge Toxopeus

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