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An example of error quantification on ship-related CFD results

AuthorsHoekstra, M., Eça, L.
Conference/Journal7th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Nantes, France
Date19 Jul 1999
Grid convergence studies are reported for our RANS code PARNASSOS, applied to various flow cases. First, the laminar boundary layer and wake of aflow-aligned flat plate is dealt with, followed by the axisymmetric turbulent flow atthe tail of a modified 6:1 prolate spheroid. Subsequently, two 3D flow fields are considered, viz. the flow at the stern of the Wigley hull and of the Mystery tanker. The most elaborate study is carried out for the latter case by comparing solutions on 24 grids of different density. The tentative recommendations of the ITTC on error analysis are followed and their adequacy is considere


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