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An assessment of multifidelity procedures for ship hull form optimisation

AuthorsRaven, H.C., Scholcz, T.P.
Conference/JournalVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE 2019), Gothenburg, Sweden
Date13 May 2019

Progress in the assessment of multifidelity techniques for ship hull form optimisation at MARIN is described. Surrogate-based optimisation is used, with response surfaces found from a combination of free-surface potential-flow and free-surface RANS computations. A substantial level of correspondence of the trends of the low and high-fidelity methods appears to be required. Applications of multifidelity stern design optimisation for a fast displacement ship and a containership are reviewed. Alternative low-fidelity formulations are considered.


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Thomas Scholcz


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shipshull form optimisation