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A Computational Study of the Flow around the KVLCC2 Model Hull at Straight Ahead Conditions and at Drift

AuthorsToxopeus, S.L., Tormalm, M., Petterson, K., Johansson, M., Fureby, C.
Conference/Journal30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics ,Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Date2 Nov 2014
The flow around the KVLCC2 model tanker hull at 0°, 12° and 30° drift is here investigated using classical Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models from two different proprietary codes, hybrid RANS-LES models from one of these proprietary codes, and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models from a third, semi-proprietary code. Understanding the three-dimensional (3D) flow around a ship hull and in the wake of the hull on straight course or during manoeuvring is important for many design and operational aspects, as well as from an environmental perspective. Tetrahedral grids of 13 million and 74 million cells respectively are used for the RANS and hybrid RANS-LES; for the LES, grids of between 120 and 200 million tetrahedral cells are used. The objectives are: to generally increase knowledge of the flow past a ship hull both at straight-ahead and at static-drift conditions; to assess
the predictive capabilities of RANS, hybrid RANSLES and LES computational methods. Using these computational
results, the focus is specifically on understanding the complex vortical topology and associated surfaceflow characteristics, and how these change when the drift angle increases. The RANS and time-averaged hybrid RANS-LES and LES predictions are compared against each other and against experimental data to further validate
the simulation models and to provide additional insight into the flow physics.


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Serge Toxopeus

Team leader CFD development / Senior Researcher

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