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Horizon Europe Call: Controlling infection on large passenger ships

Jul 2 2021
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In the spring of 2021, the European Commission (EC) released the Work Programme 2021-2022 for the funding programme Horizon Europe. Within the cluster “Climate, Energy and Mobility” – which is part of the Pillar II “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness” – the EC has opened the call HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-12:
Controlling infection on large passenger ships.

With a total indicative budget of 8 million euro, the EC is willing to fund research programmes that address on the one hand the prevention, mitigation and management of infection control on-board of large passenger ships and on the other hand, promote a so-called “Healthy ship design”. MARIN is interested in participating in this call and is actively looking to partner up and join collaborations in order to provide solutions to the societal problem addressed in this call.

Who is this for?

The scope of work contains infection control on-board large passenger ships (prevention, mitigation and management) along with the so called “healthy ship design”. As such, this research is relevant to shipyards, cruise ship operators, ferry operators and ship interior designers who wish to obtain a better understanding of how mitigation strategies like ventilation, waste water analysis, aerosol measurements can help to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens on board.

Our network of experts

During the course of 2020, MARIN has been at the centre of the formation of MIST, a large research consortium whose purpose is to provide society with up-to-date, effective and widely accepted mitigation strategies for infection control. The research core of this Dutch public-private cooperation is formed by four universities (Univ. of Twente, TU Eindhoven, Univ. of Amsterdam, TU Delft) , two medical research centers (Univ. Med. Center Groningen, Radboud Univ. Med. Center, RIVM), three independent research centers (TNO, NLR, MARIN), the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REVHA) and several businesses. In MIST, we develop fundamental knowledge on virus infectivity, spreading of airborne droplets and ventilation. In addition, we develop mitigation technologies, assessment methodologies and generalize the output of the programme by issuing proposals for standards that can be applied in both business and society.
Due to our involvement in MIST, we as MARIN have developed a vast network of experts in in the fields of epidemiology, virology, fluid mechanics, ventilation and engineering. This network, will naturally become available to any future partner that wish to join us in this endeavour.

Information on the Horizon Europe Call

  • Expected EU contribution per project: An estimated EU contribution of between 3 and 5 million euro. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of a proposal requesting different amounts.
  • Indicative budget: Total indicative budget is 8 million euro
  • Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions
  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL): 5

Interested in jointly answer this call? Or having us on board?
For more information read the leaflet or contact Johan H. de Jong | + 31 317 49 32 22 |
MARIN Horizon EU call