MARIN provides services for the specification, concept design and testing of new Power Propulsion and Energy systems. The focus is on the capabilities, functioning, performance, reliability and safety of these integrated systems. If and how the building groups of the systems fit in the bunker and machinery spaces of future ships is part of the concept design service. Our knowledge on hydrodynamics is utilised by incorporating the interaction of the ships external dynamics in the power, propulsion and energy systems. For testing of capabilities, functioning and performances of the systems MARIN has a fully equipped Zero Emission Laboratory and a digital twin for performing full integrated system simulations.
The Zero Emssion Lab is a unique test facility worldwide for the research and testing of future marine propulsion and power systems, applying realistic, dynamic operating profiles. This engine room of the future integrates power and the hydro propulsion system and enables the representative coupling of the propulsion hydrodynamics with the power supply.
On the one hand, ZEL will contain the physical hardware of the future engine room. Typical power components are fuels cells, batteries, super capacitors, electric machines, advanced internal combustion engines and a gearbox for hybrid solutions. Supporting components are storage for energy carriers, electrical infrastructure in DC and AC, advanced automation and control systems and integrated cooling and HVAC systems.
On the other hand, the engine room hardware connects to the hydrodynamics through a real propeller in the cavitation tunnel and an additional electric machine which is controlled by sophisticated hydrodynamic algorithms. These simulate the dynamical behaviour including acceleration and deceleration, cavitation and ventilation, behaviour in waves and manoeuvring, etc.
Digital twin
With simulation, monitoring and big data technology, a so-called digital twin of the ZEL will be developed as well. The digital building blocks enables us to build and operate ships in virtual reality. The digital twin accounts for scaling ( effects) and effective system integration. This concept fits perfectly with our focus on the complete lifecycle of ships and the ambition to make them smarter and cleaner. With the help of these facilities, risk and costs will be substantially reduced.
Through our Mission-oriented research programmes we propose and test innovative ideas as step-changes towards our mission. Zero Emisson is one of the key research programmes. JIP
To prepare ourselves, as maritime sector, for the challenges we will face in the maritime energy transition, MARIN initiated the Joint Industry Project ZERO. So fare 20+ companies and organisations participate. ZERO kicked off October 2020 but new participants are still welcome to join.