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Hannes Bogaert


Performance at Sea

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Hannes Bogaert received a MSc with honours in Marine Technology from the Delft University of Technology in 2006. His MSc research took place at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands MARIN. Since his graduation Hannes Bogaert worked at MARIN in the HydroStructural Services group of the Trials Monitoring department. At the same time he was appointed as a PhD student at the Ship Structures Laboratory of the Delft University of Technology. His research focused on the sloshing impact physics in LNG tanks. As part of the Sloshel Joint Industry Project Hannes performed and analyzed wave impact tests at different scales together with MARIN colleagues and the project partners. He also worked on the predication of the structural failure response of ships LNG carriers and tankers involved in collision and developed the Maritime Collision Model of MARIN. In 2011 Hannes became head of the Hydrostructural Services group and worked on inservice monitoring projects and large scale tests in the field of structural integrity. He continued the work on sloshing impact physics initiating and coordinating the PhaseTransition Joint Industry Project in 2013 and its extension the SLING research program. As part of these projects he was in charge of the design and construction of a new test facility at MARIN to perform wave impact tests in a controlled environment. Since early 2018 he is head of the department Trials Monitoring and part of the overall management team of MARIN. At the end of 2018 Hannes successfully defended his PhD at Delft University of Technology.

Can a computer learn to sail an Optimist with AI?

29 mrt. 2024

Put a child in an Optimist and it will learn how to sail intuitively, without understanding the details of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. This ...
Machine Learning project kicks off

28 jun. 2023

MARIN has launched AI Sail, a pilot project examining machine learning. In this project, we will let an algorithm learn to sail an Optimist in our ...
Dutch Maritime Masterplan kicks off with a grant of EURO 52.9 million!

8 apr. 2022

Reading time 6 minutes

The Dutch maritime sector wants to make a sustainable and digital difference to the global energy transition, and this has led to the Maritime ...
The Atmosphere in operation

7 apr. 2021

MARIN officially opened ‘The Atmosphere’ in October 2020. This new facility, with an autoclave of 15 m long and 2.5 mdiameter at its heart, offers ...
New multiphase test facility under construction

22 apr. 2016

Reading time 3 minutes

A unique multiphase test facility is being established by the Sloshing of Liquefied Natural Gas (SLING) research project to examine sloshing impacts ...
MARIN spearheads advanced wave impact modelling initiatives

29 aug. 2014

Reading time 6 minutes

Due to the complexity of wave impact modelling, MARIN is starting several new research initiatives.
IceStream JIP launches

21 jan. 2013

Reading time 3 minutes

IceStream JIP launches. A new JIP evaluates floaters and their appendages in a flow of ice particles.
Elementary Loading Processes (ELP) involved in breaking wave impacts - findings from the Sloshel project

17 jun. 2012

MarkIII is one of the containment systems designed by GTT for LNG storage or transportation. It features a corrugated stainless steel membrane which ...
Comparison of Wave Impact Tests at Large and Full Scale - Results from the Sloshel Project

17 jun. 2012

Wave impact tests were conducted at two different scales within the Sloshel Joint Industry Project. In 2009 unidirectional breaking waves were ...
A Mark III panel subjected to a flip-through wave impact - results from the Sloshel project

19 jun. 2011

Within the Sloshel Joint Industrial Project, a new full scale wave impact test campaign has been carried out in April 2010. Unidirectional focused ...
New tests advance sloshing knowledge

14 dec. 2010

Reading time 6 minutes

In April 2010 full-scale wave impact tests on the MarkIII membrane containment system were performed by MARIN, which mark the latest in a series of ...
Hydro-structural behavior of LNG membrane containment systems under breaking wave impacts: Findings From the Sloshel Project

25 jun. 2010

The behaviour of the NO96 membrane containment system when subjected to breaking waves is presented in this paper. The data obtained from the full ...
Interaction between wave impacts and corrugations of MarkIII Containment System for LNG carriers

20 jun. 2010

The subject of this paper is the behavior of MarkIII corrugated primary membrane under breaking wave impacts. The study is based on the database of ...
Full Scale Sloshing Impact Tests - Part 2

20 jun. 2010

This second part of the paper outlines the progress made in the full scale tests of real membrane containment systems subjected to action of ...
Sloshing and scaling - results from the Sloshel project

20 jun. 2010

At the turn of 2007 full scale wave impact tests have been carried out by MARIN in the frame of the Sloshel project. Unidirectional breaking waves ...
Full Scale Sloshing Impact Tests

21 jul. 2009

The paper describes the first full scale tests on a real membrane containment system subjected to action of breaking waves representative of ...
MARCOL - cost-effective and fast determination of collision damage

17 okt. 2007

Reading time 3 minutes

For many years MARIN has advised on safe transportation using quantitive traffic data, however, evaluation of collision events was always made by ...
New collision damage calculation tool used for quantitative risk analysis for LNG import terminal

23 sep. 2007

A new collision damage calculation tool which can be used for quantitative risk analysis for LNG import terminals is outlined in this paper. Within ...
Hydro-Elastic Criterion for Practical Design

23 feb. 2007

A new hydro-elastic criterion which can be used inpractical design of marine structures is proposed in thispaper. By application of this criterion a ...