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Ed van Daalen

Senior Researcher

Research & Development

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CRS - 55 years old and still flourishing!

5 mrt. 2025

“It has no office. It has no personnel. It has no director. But it exists and it has flourished for 50 years: The Cooperative Research Ships (CRS).” ...
Quay-to-quay mission with autonomous docking: a model-scale experimental validation

23 mei 2024

Transport of cargo by short-sea shipping is at the forefront of the European Union’s transportation policy. It has the promise to alleviate ...
Control of a full port-to-port mission for a feeder vessel

5 jun. 2023

Autonomy is posed as a solution to decrease the amount of qualified personnel on a ship. It would be especiallyadvantageous for those tasks that are ...
Simulation of a feeder on a port-to-port mission

5 jun. 2023

The path to autonomous shipping is paved with ambitious plans and futuristic concepts. From a realistic perspective,the transition from man-operated ...
A Generic Allocation Algorithm for Optimal 6dof Motion Control Including Interaction Effects and Physical Limitations

1 aug. 2020

In this paper we consider the allocation problem within the context of optimal motion control for floating or submerged bodies. The purpose of our ...
Surrogate-Based Multi-Objective Optimisation for Powering and Seakeeping

22 sep. 2019

Optimal operation during a ship’s life cycle requires a balance of economy and operability. For most vessel types, economy is related to fuel ...
Cooperative Research Ships 1969-2019

1 jun. 2019

Reading time 12 minutes

The years 1969-2019 establish a half-century where mankind has achieved enormous technological progress in many areas, such as aviation ...
Three working group chairmen reflect on 50 years of CRS success

1 jun. 2019

Reading time 12 minutes

With decades of experience between them, three longstanding chairmen share their thoughts on the importance of CRS to the maritime industry. In a ...
Cooperative Research Ships celebrates 50th anniversary!

1 jun. 2019

Reading time 12 minutes

As Cooperative Research Ships (CRS) celebrates its 50th anniversary, we talk to some of MARIN’s key figures – both past and present - ...
Robust thrust allocation algorithm considering hydrodynamic interactions and actuator physical limitations

9 nov. 2018

The dynamic positioning (DP) system is responsible for the station keeping of vessels in several offshore operations. The forces required by the DP ...
An advanced thrust allocation algorithm for DP applications, taking into account interaction effects and physical limitations

8 jun. 2014

The Dynamic Positioning (DP) system is responsible for the stationkeeping and manoeuvrability of a vessel in offshore operations. The forces ...
A Generic Optimization Algorithm for the Allocation of DP Actuators

19 jun. 2011

In this paper we present a generic optimization algorithm for the allocation of dynamic positioning actuators, such as azimuthing thrusters and ...
Cooperative Research Ships - 41 years and still going strong

14 dec. 2010

Reading time 6 minutes

CRS embodies the true cooperative spirit and four decades on it still finds interesting subjects to tackle.
A comparative study on state-of-the-art prediction tools for seakeeping

14 sep. 2010

An accurate prediction of the seakeeping behavior of ships is important for both their design and operation. The following issues play a role: Wave ...
Capsize probability analysis for a small container vessel

1 jan. 2005

In this paper we investigate the long term capsize probability for a small container vessel which is operated in a regular service schedule on the ...
Scenario simulations in design for service

12 sep. 2004

Regarding design for service as a competitive edge for both ship builder and ship owner, the present paper addresses the problem of expressing the ...
JIPs contribute to safety at sea

1 apr. 2001

Reading time 3 minutes

In 1999 the 'NEREUS' and 'HARDER' Joint Industry Projects were initiated and funded by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme. ...
Validation d'un code de calcul 3D par methode de volume of fluid (VOF) pour la simulation de navires apres avarie

5 mrt. 2001

A Volume Of Fluid (VOF) numerical program has been established to calculate the 3D behaviour of a fluid contained in an arbitrary tank under ...
Frequency domain analysis in seakeeping: a fast Ro-ro ferry case study

1 jan. 2000

Frequency domain computations are commonly used at the design stage to investigate in a fast and practical way the behaviour and performance of ...
anti-roll tank simulations with a volume of fluid (vof) based Navier-Stokes solver

1 jan. 2000

Results of computer simulations of the water motion in ship anti-roll tanks are compared with experimental data. The numerical computations are done ...
Free surface anti-roll tank simulations with a VOF based Navier Stokes solver

1 jan. 2000

Ship roll stabilization has received attention for more than a century. From a wide variety of anti-roll devices, the anti-roll tank (ART) is ...
Numerical and Theoretical Studies of Water Waves and Floating Bodies

8 jan. 1993

The first and second parts of this thesis are devoted to the development of a numerical model for the simulation of these water-wave and wave-body ...