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Arjen Koop

Senior Researcher/Teamleader

Research & Development

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OC6 project Phase IV: validation of numerical models for novel floating offshore wind support structures

29 Apr 2024

This paper provides a summary of the work done within Phase IV of the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued with Correlation and ...
MARIN investigates VIM response of semi-submersible floaters

20 Dec 2023

MARIN develops a novel co-simulation approach to assess the effect of mooring and risers on the Vortex Induced Motion (VIM) response of a ...
CFD Simulations of Two Wind Turbines Operating in Line

1 Sep 2023

In this study, we perform CFD simulations for the NTNU Blind Test 2 experiment, in which two turbines were placed in a closed-loop wind tunnel and ...
CFD Simulations of Two Wind Turbines Operating in Line

19 Jun 2023

Generally, the wake behind a wind turbine is characterized as a reduction in wind velocity and an increase in turbulence level compared to the free ...
Verification Study for CFD Simulations of NTNU Blind Test 1 Wind Turbine

12 Jun 2023

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations with fully resolved turbine geometries are increasingly popular for wind turbine aerodynamic ...
Investigating the Effect of Damping Originating from Mooring and Risers on the VIM Response of a Semi-Submersible Floater Using Coupled CFD-Time-Domain Simulations

1 May 2023

The Vortex Induced Motion (VIM) response of multi-column semi-submersible floaters may have a significant impact on the predicted fatigue life of ...
Verification and validation of CFD simulations of the NTNU BT1 wind turbine

1 Mar 2023

Results obtained from CFD simulations are sensitive to many numerical settings, such as grid spacing, time increment, turbulence models, etc. ...
High-fidelity CFD simulations for the wake characteristics of the NTNU BT1 wind turbine

9 Dec 2022

In this work, we present the results of the wake characteristics of a model-scale horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) obtained from high-fidelity ...
Validation of CFD simulations of the moored DeepCwind offshore wind semisubmersible in irregular waves

15 Sep 2022

This article examines the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to predict the response of a floating wind platform to ...
Hydrodynamic response of a FOWT semi-submersible under regular waves using CFD - Verification and validation

15 Aug 2022

In this work an extensive verification and validation study is performed to evaluate the accuracy and credibilityfor CFD simulations of hydrodynamic ...
CFD simulations of a performance-scaled wind turbine

13 Jun 2022

In the present study, we focus on the CFD simulations for the performance and the rotor-generated wake of a model-scale wind turbine which was ...
Comparison of Different Wind Turbine Modeling Strategies in CFD Simulations

5 Jun 2022

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools are now widely used in the aerodynamic analysis of wind turbines. To simulate the turbine different ...
Urans predictions of drift loads on a semi submersible in steep waves

5 Jun 2022

The last decade, many semi-submersible designs have been tested in MARIN’s wave basins as a result of recently modified classification society ...
Development and verification of modelling practice for CFD calculations to obtain hydrodynamic damping of offshore vessels

5 Jun 2022

Estimates for hydrodynamic damping on offshore vessels are important input parameters for simulations studies onvessels operating at sea, e.g. ...
CFD Prediction of Wind Loads on FPSO and Shuttle Tankers during Side-by-Side Offloading

12 May 2022

This study entailed the estimation of wind loads performed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for four typical offshore vessels ...
OC6 Phase 1a - CFD Simulations of the Free-Decay Motion of the DeepCwind Semisubmersible

5 Jan 2022

Currently, the design of floating offshore wind systems is primarily based on mid-fidelity models with empirical drag forces. The tuning of the ...
Verification and validation of CFD simulations for semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine under pitch free-decay motion

15 Dec 2021

In this paper a detailed verification and validation study is performed to evaluate the accuracy of CFD simulations for a semi-submersible floating ...
OC6 Phase 1b - Validation of the CFD predictions of difference-frequency wave excitation on a FOWT semisubmersible

1 Dec 2021

During the previous OC5 project, state-of-the-art mid-fidelity engineering tools for floating wind systems were found to consistently underpredict ...
Qualification Criteria for the Verification of Numerical Waves – Part 1: Potential-Based Numerical Wave Tank (PNWT)

22 Jun 2021

There is an increasing trend towards using numerical wave simulations for the design of offshore structures, especially for the stochastic ...
A Joint-Industry Effort to Develop and Verify CFD Modelling Practice for Vortex-Induced Motion of a Deep-Draft Semi-Submersible

22 Jun 2021

Platform Vortex Induced Motion (VIM) is an important cause of fatigue damage on risers and mooring lines connected to deep-draft semi-submersible ...
CFD Simulations of Near and Far Wakes of Two Turbines in a Tandem Configuration

20 Jun 2021

The offshore wind energy market is growing rapidly globally. To be more competitive in the energy market, the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of ...
Experimental Flow-Induced Motions of a FOWT Semi-Submersible Type (OC4 Phase II Floater)

1 Feb 2021

F low-induced motions (FIM) are an issue for floating offshore structures, such as multicolumnplatforms, as the phenomenon can decrease the fatigue ...
Investigation of Nonlinear Difference-Frequency Wave Excitation on a Semisubmersible Offshore-Wind Platform With Bichromatic-Wave CFD Simulations

18 Oct 2020

The natural surge and pitch frequencies of semisubmersible offshore wind platforms are typically designed to be below the wave frequencies to avoid ...
Assessing RANS Numerical and Modeling Properties in the Simulation of the Flow Around Captive and Moving Cylinders

1 Aug 2020

In many Engineering applications, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are still used to simulate high Reynolds numbers (turbulent) ...
Development and Verification of Modeling Practice for CFD Calculations to Obtain Current Loads on FPSO

1 Aug 2020

Current loads are important input parameters for mooring studies. To accurately predict the motions of moored vessels these quantities should be ...
High-Fidelity Modelling of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Platforms

1 Aug 2020

There are already several examples of commercially operating floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) delivering electricity to the grid. These ...
Force Measurements of the Flow Around Arrays of Three and Four Columns With Different Geometry Sections, Spacing Ratios, and Incidence Angles

1 Apr 2020

An experimental campaign for the flow around a stationary array of three and four columns with low aspect ratio, H/L=1.5, piercing the water free ...
Using CFD to determine scale effects on current loads of offshore vessels in side-by-side configuration

1 Jan 2020

The scale effects and the shielding effects on the current loads for typical offshore vessels in side-by-side configuration are investigated using ...
CFD Simulation of Semi-Submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Under Pitch Decay Motion

3 Nov 2019

The application of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to simulate the response of a semi-submersible floating wind turbine under pitch decay ...
Predicting Roll Damping for Barge-Type FPSO Using CFD

9 Jun 2019

An accurate prediction of the non-linear roll damping is required in order to calculate the resonant roll motion of moored FPSO’s. Traditionally, ...
URANS predictions of low-frequency damping of a lNGC

9 Jun 2019

The horizontal motions of a moored offshore structure in waves are dominated by the resonance phenomena that occur at the natural frequencies of the ...
Current Status of Wind Load Calculations with CFD

10 Jun 2018

In this paper the current status is presented for accurate and fast determination of wind load coefficients using Computational Fluid Dynamics ...
Predicting wind loads on single vessels and in side by side offloading configuration for FPSO and shuttle tanker using CFD

10 Jun 2018

This paper presents the results of the wind loads on typical offshore vessels at model scale 1:250 obtained with CFD simulations. A FPSO, shuttle ...
Wind Shielding Estimation of a Vessel in Side by Side Configuration using Disturbed Velocity Field from CFD

14 Feb 2018

When two vessels are in a side-by-side configuration, the vessel in the wake experiences significantly lower wind forces. This phenomenon is known ...
Experimental study of the column shape and the roughness effects on the vortex-induced motions of deep-draft semi-submersible platforms

1 Feb 2018

Experiments regarding the VIM of SS platforms with four columns were carried out to investigate the effects of the surface roughness and the column ...
Experimental Study on the Vortex-Induced Motions (VIM) of a Semi-Submersible Floater in Waves

25 Jun 2017

Recent studies suggest that the vortex-induced motions (VIM) of a semi-submersible found in model tests over-predicts the response in the field, ...
Determining Thruster-Hull Interaction for a Drill-Ship Using CFD

25 Jun 2017

In this paper CFD results are presented for the thrusterhull interaction effects for a drillship with 6 azimuthing thrusters. The results using ...
Validation exercises for the calculation of the flow around a squared column with rounded corners at high Reynolds numbers with the rans equations

25 Jun 2017

This paper presents Validation studies, i.e. evaluation of the modelling error, for the ensemble averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations ...
Validation - What, Why And How

24 Jun 2016

Offshore and Naval engineering have relied on physical models, i.e. experimental fluid dynamics (EFD), for several decades. Although the role of ...
Simulation and Development of a Wind-Wave Facility for Scale Testing of Offshore Floating Wind Turbines

19 Jun 2016

The development of a new wind-wave facility for offshore floating wind turbine testing can be complex; outfitting existing basins with wind ...
Determining side-by-side current loads using CFD and Model Tests

19 Jun 2016

When two vessels are positioned close to each other in a current, significant shielding or interaction effects can be observed. In this paper the ...
Investigation on reasons for possible difference between VIM response in the field and in model tests

19 Jun 2016

Floating offshore structures, such as production semi-submersibles and spars, can exhibit significant in-line and transverse oscillatory motions ...
Model test investigation of the influence of damping on the vortex induced motions of deep draft semi-submersibles using a novel active damping device

19 Jun 2016

Vortex Induced Motions (VIM) of semi-submersibles occur when the vortex shedding frequency is close to the natural frequency of the semi-submersible ...
CFD Investigation on Scale and Damping Effects for Vortex Induced Motions of a Semi-Submersible Floater

2 May 2016

Available field measurements of semisubmersibles indicate that the Vortex Induced Motion (VIM) response is typically found to be smaller than what ...
Validation of CFD for run-up and wave impact on a semi submersible

9 Mar 2016

To assess the integrity and safety of structures offshore, prediction of run-up, green water, and impact loads needs to be made during the ...
CFD provides valuable insight into current loads on offshore constructions

21 Aug 2015

Reading time 6 minutes

CFD has become an accurate, efficient and cost-effective design tool to predict the current loads on typical offshore constructions.
Shallow Water Current Loads on a LNG Carrier Using CFD

1 Jun 2015

To determine shallow water effects on current loads for an LNG Carrier, CFD calculations with MARIN’s CFD code ReFRESCO have been carried out. The ...
Wind Shielding Estimation of a Tandem Vessel Using Disturbed Velocity Field from CFD

1 Feb 2015

The wind forces experienced by a receiving transport vessel in a tandem configuration will be influenced by so-called shielding effects, caused by ...
ReFRESCO-operation gives unique opportunities in CFD

6 Dec 2014

Reading time 3 minutes

Last autumn MARIN launched an innovative initiative to start a partnership with its clients for a maritime Computational Fluid Dynamics' (CFD) ...
Modelling Thruster-Hull Interaction with CFD

18 Jun 2013

The application of CFD for the analysis of thruster interactions effects (or degradation effects) is still a largely unexplored area. Quantifying ...
Complex model tests on MOHO NORD Tension Leg Platform

14 Apr 2013

Reading time 6 minutes

In an ambitious campaign the MOHO NORD TLP was extensively tested in wind, waves and current.
Joint R&D in JIPs

14 Apr 2013

Reading time 6 minutes

The offshore industry works closely together to share knowledge, experience and costs. Here an update on the latest Joint Industry Projects. ...
Efficient Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Cavitating Flows Using Thermodynamic Tables

13 Aug 2012

A computational method based on the Euler equations for unsteady flow is employed to predict the structure and dynamics of unsteady sheet cavitation ...
Predicting Wind Loads On Typical Offshore Vessels Using CFD

1 Jul 2012

Within the OO1 and OO2 “Offloading Operability“ JIPs, wind-tunnel measurements were carried out to determine the wind loads on a number of vessels, ...
Forces on bilge keels in regular and irregular oscillating flow

17 Jun 2012

This paper presents a validated methodology to calculate the oscillatory loads on bilge keels of ships operating at zero forward speed in irregular ...
CFD - an increasingly important research tool

20 Apr 2012

Reading time 6 minutes

Report highlights successful applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in a number of Joint Industry Projects in which model tests and CFD ...
Tackling the unknowns about Vortex Induced Motions

20 Apr 2012

Reading time 6 minutes

Even after extensive model tests in the past years, many uncertainties still surround Vortex Induced Motions (VIM). Report explains several recent ...
Determining wind loads with CFD

16 Dec 2011

Reading time 3 minutes

Report highlights how Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are playing an increasingly important role in the assessment of wind loads.
RANS Predictions Of Roll Viscous Damping Of Ship Hull Sections

29 Sep 2011

The unsteady flow around a forced rolling hull section with and without bilge keels is computed using URANS code ReFRESCO. In this paper, extensive ...
Viscous-Flow Calculations For Model And Full-Scale Current Loads On Typical Offshore Structures

29 Sep 2011

In this paper, CFD calculations for current loads on an LNG carrier and a semi-submersible are presented, both for model and full-scale situations, ...
Model-Scale And Full-Scale CFD Calculations For Current Loads On Semi-Submersible

20 Jun 2011

In this paper results of CFD calculations with the MARIN in-house code ReFRESCO are presented for the JBF-14000 Semi-Submersible designed by Huisman ...
Predicting Roll Added Mass And Damping Of A Ship Hull Section Using CFD

20 Jun 2011

In this paper, the flow around a forced rolling body is analyzed with MARIN in-house CFD code ReFRESCO. The objective is to assess if the code can ...
MARIN has the wind in its sails pledging commitment to offshore wind sector

26 Apr 2011

Reading time 6 minutes

With the growth in renewable energy, there is an increasing focus on offshore wind. The offshore wind industry is maturing and going further ...
Increasing interest in tests for Vortex Induced Motions

26 Apr 2011

Reading time 6 minutes

For Marin 2010 was a very busy year for Vortex Induced Motions (VIM) tests. Report highlights the latest tests.
Analysis of the Velocities in the Wake of an Azimuthing Thruster, using PIV Measurements and CFD Calculations

12 Oct 2010

The wake flow behind a ducted azimuthing thruster was investigated, both in open water conditions and with the thruster placed under a schematical ...
Pioneering purpose-built wind turbine installation vessels under test

26 Aug 2010

Reading time 6 minutes

For large offshore wind farms significant time and therefore, cost can be reduced by using a purpose-built installation vessel. MARIN carried out a ...
Predicting Wind Loads for FPSO Tandem Offloading Using CFD

6 Jun 2010

To assess the applicability and accuracy of CFD calculations on typical offshore configurations the wind loads for FPSO tandem offloading is ...
Predicting Loads On An LNG Carrier With CFD

6 Jun 2010

The Current Affairs Joint Industry Project was initiated to develop the understanding and tools for the assessment of current loads on offshore ...
Unsteady Sheet Cavitation on Three-dimensional Hydrofoil

30 May 2010

An unstructured grid computational method for solving the Euler equations for inviscid compressible unsteady flow is employed to predict the ...
CFD for offshore applications

26 Apr 2010

Reading time 6 minutes

In 2009, MARIN took a major step towards the commercial application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools for offshore-related problems. This ...
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Three-Dimensional Sheet Cavitation

31 Aug 2008

This thesis deals with the theory and the numerical simulation of sheet cavity flows on arbitrary lifting bodies like hydrofoils and propeller ...
Design of Twisted Cavitating Hydrofoil using a Barotropic Flow

11 Sep 2006

For the design of a twisted hydrofoil in a cavitation tunnel a computational method for simulating three-dimensional ...
Roll Damping Due to Lift Effects on High Speed Monohulls

1 Jun 1991

In this paper the characteristics of the roll behaviour of fast ships will be discussed and illustrated. The attention will be focussed on the ...