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International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (SMP)

smp’ 24 is the eight international symposiums dedicated to hydrodynamics of all types of marine propulsors. smp’24 provides a forum to present state-of-the-art research and studies on existing marine propulsors as well as a platform for introduction of new types of propulsors. Special attention is given to high efficiency propulsion devices. Environmental issues are addressed by introducing topics on green propulsion.

The symposium is organized by the University of Port Said (PSU) and the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) in cooperation with SINTEF Ocean and NTNU.

More information
For more information on smp'24 and regsitration options visit
For further information on the series of Symposiums on Marine Propulsors visit


Continental Hotel Hurghada, Hurghada, Egypt


17 Mar 2024- 21 Mar 2024