

This JIP focuses on validating CFD prediction methods for the performance of the fullscale ship/propeller combination and on introducing these tools immediately in practical design.


Computation of the viscous flow around a ship hull using a RANS code is becoming a more common component in the ship design process. Fair agreement with model-scale, wake field measurements, can be achieved today but the real purpose is to predict the flow around the ship, as well as the hull/ propeller interaction for the actual full-scale ship. While RANS computations do offer that possibility, the results always have to be presented with some reservation because validation of RANS predictions for full-scale vessels has generally been insufficient so far. The main obstruction here has been the virtual absence or difficult accessibility of complete, accurate, full-scale, experimental wake field data. This is the fundamental point that EFFORT aims to address.


Work will mainly consist of a joint CFD development phase, in which extensions of existing CFD codes will be made. A full-scale measurement campaign in which extensive flow measurements onboard two vessels – hopper dredger ‘UILENSPIEGEL’, operated by Dredging International and the research vessel ‘Nawigator XXI’, operated by the Maritime University of Szczecin will be done using Laser-Doppler Velocimetry techniques. Corresponding model-scale measurements will be carried out using PIV and other techniques. Extensive validation studies will be carried out, to establish the level of accuracy and improve the modelling. Finally, the tools developed and validated in the project will be applied to six design studies proposed by the industrial participants in the project. A decisive step forward in the use and usefulness of viscous flow computations in European ship design and therefore, in the quality and efficiency of the design process, is expected following the conclusion of the project.


Contact person photo

Hannes Bogaert



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